1. Is it possible to have a button or a series of buttons on the header of an xbrowse column?
2. I tried to add a button to the get object on the header of an xbrowse but I get a runtime error. I'm guessing the get object hasn't been instantiated until :CreateFromCode() is executed.
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
:nHeaderHeight := 40
:lGetBar := .t.
:oCol:oBarGet:bAction := {|| MsgInfo( "clicked ") }
:oCol:oBarGet:cBmpName := "SEARCH16"
:oCol:oBarGet:cCueText := "Filtered ManagerID"
Error occurred at: 12/06/2017, 19:45:21
Error description: Error BASE/1005 No exported variable: BACTION
[ 1] = U
[ 2] = B {|| ... }
Any Ideas?