I Have not words!!!!
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
Path and name: C:\Work\Prg\fsdi2006\main.Exe (32 bits)
Size: 3,891,712 bytes
Compiler version: Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1703231115)
FiveWin version: FWH 17.12
C compiler version: Borland/Embarcadero C++ 7.0 (32-bit)
Windows version: 6.1, Build 7600
Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 1 secs
Error occurred at: 14-03-2018, 22:02:28
Error description: Error BASE/44 Assigned value is wrong class: TPANEL:LDRAG
[ 1] = N 16777215
Stack Calls
Called from: => TPANEL:_LDRAG( 0 )
Called from: .\source\classes\TPANEL.PRG => TPANEL:NEW( 43 )
Called from: source\pcustomer2.prg => BUILDEXPLORERBAR( 174 )