Very cool this FolderEx.
I only have one problem:
- When I have "REDEFINE CHECKBOX oChk" or "REDEFINE RADIO oRad" inside a FolderEx and you need to give an oChk:Enable()/Disable() or oRad:Enable()/Disable() it messes up a good part of the other fields of the folderex. This only happens if you use some windows theme. If it's on Windows Classic theme it does not happen.
Did anyone else notice that?
FolderEx with Themas
Re: FolderEx with Themas
Boa tarde,
sim já passei pelo mesmo problema, ou seja:
1 se no checkbox vc colocar WHEN .F.
2 obj:enable()/Disable()
O problema acontece.
Não consegui resolver o problema, tive que desistir de DESATIVAR o objeto.
sim já passei pelo mesmo problema, ou seja:
1 se no checkbox vc colocar WHEN .F.
2 obj:enable()/Disable()
O problema acontece.
Não consegui resolver o problema, tive que desistir de DESATIVAR o objeto.
Re: FolderEx with Themas
Se você der um refresh na folder ele restaura os outros elementos que estavam perdidos mas é ruim porque a folder toda pisca. Só da esse problema com Folderex e com tema.
If you give a refresh in the folder it restores the other elements that were lost but is bad because the whole folder blinks. Just issue this problem with Folderex and theme.
If you give a refresh in the folder it restores the other elements that were lost but is bad because the whole folder blinks. Just issue this problem with Folderex and theme.
Oscar Ribeiro
OASyS Informática
Fwh18.02 + xHarbour 1.2.3 + Bcc72
OASyS Informática
Fwh18.02 + xHarbour 1.2.3 + Bcc72