FWH 1805 - oBrw:SetTree( [<nLevels>] ) -> Automatic Trees

Re: FWH 1805 - oBrw:SetTree( [<nLevels>] ) -> Automatic Trees

Postby fraxzi » Sat Aug 04, 2018 5:13 am

nageswaragunupudi wrote:You are right. At present the logic works only with DBF. Even then, if the value of the second field in the first record is empty, the results may not be as expected.
We are in the process of fixing these issues and also extend this to Mariadb rowset also.

For now, you can test it with rowsets by adding a small workaround code:
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   oBrw:bBookMark := { |x| If( x == nil, oRs:nAt, oRs:nAt := x ) }

while creating the browse.

To make it easy for you I have modified the sample in my above post, including this modification. Please test with this workaround.

For use in real life applications, we advise you to wait till next release and watch whatsnew.txt.

Mr. Rao,

The workaround works when declared before :Settree() ... So far the display not erratic.


:D :D :D :D
Kind Regards,

Fivewin for xHarbour v18.07
xHarbour v1.2.3.x
BCC 7.3 + PellesC8 ( Resource Compiler only)
ADS 10.1 / MariaDB
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