FIVEDIT Preference Setup

FIVEDIT Preference Setup

Postby shri_fwh » Thu Sep 20, 2018 4:59 am

Dear All ,

Need you help to resolve to issue .

I have started to setup FWH 64 Environment on PC using FIVEDIT tool, but I am facing some errors which are given below.

In the View->Preferences Menu

1) FIVEWIN Tab : In this TAB Lib List is NOT updating when I click on the "Update Path" button it shows the "Product is Not support" ( I am not sure as the Language is different )
and also one another error facing when I change drop down 32 bit to 64 its says "Not Supported Yet"
2) C COMPILE Tab : In this TAB it takes only 32 bit compile it does not consider 64 bit compiler.

I may have missed some steps please guide on how to setup FIVEDIT tool. Thanks in advance...!

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Re: FIVEDIT Preference Setup

Postby cnavarro » Thu Sep 20, 2018 4:08 pm

Cristobal Navarro
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