[bug] crash on TEdit

[bug] crash on TEdit

Postby AntoninoP » Tue Nov 20, 2018 1:11 pm

I am trying the TEdit control, and i encountered a crash, Error BASE/1004 Message not found: TEDIT:VALTYPE, here:
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METHOD VarPut( uVal ) CLASS TEdit

   if PCount() == 1
      if ::cType == 'C'
         uVal  := cValToChar( uVal )
      if ::ValType( ::bSetGet ) ==  'B'
         Eval( ::bSetGet, uVal )

return ::VarGet()

obviously it is necessary remove :: before Valtype...
I already fix my personal version
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Re: [bug] crash on TEdit

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:09 pm

You are right.
Thanks for pointing out.
This is fixed at our end for next release.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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