I 'm trying to modify it to make it compatible with the Italian system.
1. I wish modify the invoice inserting different taxrate for each items and the tax must be insert as new column on the invoice how I can make it , because in Italy we have articles with different ives and we have to do the splitting of VAT
I show you How I mean
I allready add taxrate on items.dbf
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
- DbCreate( "items.dbf",;
{ { "CODE", "C", 10, 0 }, ;
{ "NAME", "C", 30, 0 }, ;
{ "UNIT", "C", 5, 0 }, ;
{ "TAXRATE", "N", 5, 2 }, ; //silvio
{ "PRICE", "N", 6, 2 } }, "DBFCDX", .T., "DB" )
and create the section on the dialog as you can see here
How I can insert it on xbrowse invoice ? I try but it crash
2 I must change discount to calculate a discount as discount to climb for a sample :
an item price is 10.00 eur and the discount is 50+20+10 the total price is 3.60
3. I saw there's no the DelRecord function
4 why you not use reclock and unlock when you edit or add a record ?
4 when I iconize a window and I want to reopen it the window remains in fodo even if there is the command "Set focus" as I can do to reopen the window
5 I wish info for some lines at Opendatases function section invitems
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
- aBlankItem := Array( FCount() + 1 )
AEval( aBlankItem, { |u,i| aBlankItem[ i ] := uValBlank( FieldGet( i ) ) }, 1, FCount() )
aBlankItem[ FCount() + 1 ] := 0