Founding a solution for recall delete fields

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Founding a solution for recall delete fields

Post by Silvio.Falconi »

On my oldest application when I save the design of beach I save all data from array to a dbf


but before I zapped and packed the dbf .

Now using tdatabase (or tdata) and open on share the dbf ( for !deleted()) I cannot zap the archive
and I have problems becaue I not Know how make

For first configuration( to try ) I use a beach big 25X18 = 450 records in dbf
when I save the array I made

I was thinking of erasing all the records and reinserting them by recalling the deleted records and this could be fine but I do not know how I could do, and if the configuration has been changed? Ie if I have many more records, how should I do?

Any solution please
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
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