I wish when the user select on 4th item of the first combobox is activate the second combobox
the test code
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
- #include "fivewin.ch"
Function Test()
Local oDlg
Local aGet[10]
Local nTariffeshow:= 1
Local nTipoShow:= 1
Local aShowTariffe:={"Tutte","Elementi","Pacchetti","Servizi"}
local oCbx2,ocbx3
local aServizi:={{"SERVIZIO1",""},;
{ "SERVIZIO2",""},;
{ "SERVIZIO3",""},;
{ "SERVIZIO4",""} }
DEFINE DIALOG oDlgtariffe size 400,400
@ 10,25 COMBOBOX oCbx2 VAR nTariffeshow ITEMS aShowTariffe ;
SIZE 100,400 PIXEL OF oDlgTariffe ;
ON CHANGE ( msginfo(str(nTariffeshow),oCbx2:nat),oCbx3:refresh())
@ 60,25 COMBOBOX oCbx3 VAR nTiposhow ITEMS ArrTranspose( aServizi )[ 1] ;
SIZE 120,400 PIXEL OF oDlgTariffe UPDATE WHEN oCbx2:nat=4
activate dialog oDlgTariffe center
return nil
when I select "servizi" on first combobox , the second combobox is changed but not it enable
where is the error ?