We already have a first list of talks that we are going to make at the 2nd Meeting of Harbour programmers next March in Calpe (Alicante).
The scheduled talks are the following:
* Unit tests with Harbour by Manuel Calero.
* Rapid migration to SQL by Bingen Ugaldebere.
* Use of TDolphin by Biel Maimó
* OpenXava by Genaro Tur
* Debugging Harbour/FWH applications with hwgdebug by José Luis Sánchez
We will also hold an open Habour workshop where attendees can raise questions and resolve them among all. If any other attendee wants to make a talk we are happy to hear your proposals.
I remind you that the meeting will be from 29 to 31 March in Calpe (Alicante), that there is no registration fee and that there are affordable accommodation in the area so that the cost is as low as possible. I encourage everyone to come to the meeting, and you can register at the following URL
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bXAszn4P1nYTVY5zRU_pjPpsxnWLD16konXkDb1bJo8. Both me and the other organizers and speakers of the talks are preparing the meeting with great enthusiasm, and we would like to have the presence of as many programmers as possible.
Kind regards,
José Luis Sánchez