FWH1905: FW_StrICmp(): Case Insensitive Comparison

FWH1905: FW_StrICmp(): Case Insensitive Comparison

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed Jun 26, 2019 4:06 pm

In most cases, when we compare strings, we need to convert both of them to upper or lower case before comparison.
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Upper( c1 ) == Upper( c2 )

Converting the strings to upper or lower case every time adds overhead to the application.

FW_StrICmp() avoids the need for this conversion and gives exactly the same results as the normal coparison.

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FW_STRICMP( c1, cOperator, c2, [lExact] ) --> lTrue

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? FW_STRICMP( "FiveTech Software", "=" "FIVETECH" ) --> .t.
? FW_STRICMP( "FiveTech Software", "==" "fivetech" ) --> .f.
? FW_STRICMP( "FiveTech Software", "=" "FIVETECH", .t. ) --> .f.

We can use all other comparison operators like >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=. Comparison respects the current setting of SET EXACT, which can be overridden by the last parameter. In all cases, the results are identical to normal comparison with case conversion.


FW_STRICMP( c1, c2, [lExact] ) --> nResult, which can be -1, 0, 1 meaning less than, equal to, greater than.
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FW_STRICMP( "aaa", "AAA" ) //--> 0

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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