The error is present even with a simple code like:
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
#include <>
proc main()
local i:=1
usually I compile them with hbmk2, with this command line
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
hbmk2 main.prg -Lc:\fwh\lib -Ic:\fwh\include -lfiveh32 -lfivehc32 hbct.hbc xhb.hbc hbmzip.hbc -gui hbziparc.hbc -lversion -lgdiplus -loledlg -ldflag=/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt
If I add
-shared the error appears.
If I try adding trace, I see that the link part changes considerably.
without shared
-nologo -out:main.exe C:\Users\iorpe\AppData\Local\Temp\hbmk_8ahefq.dir\main.obj -libpath:c:\Harbour32\lib\win\msvc -libpath:c:\fwh\lib /NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt -subsystem:windows fiveh32.lib fivehc32.lib hbct.lib xhb.lib hbtip.lib hbfship.lib hbxpp.lib hbwin.lib png.lib hbmzip.lib minizip.lib hbziparc.lib version.lib gdiplus.lib oledlg.lib hbextern.lib hbdebug.lib hbvm.lib hbrtl.lib hblang.lib hbcpage.lib gtcgi.lib gtpca.lib gtstd.lib gtwin.lib gtwvt.lib gtgui.lib hbrdd.lib hbuddall.lib hbusrrdd.lib rddntx.lib rddcdx.lib rddnsx.lib rddfpt.lib hbrdd.lib hbhsx.lib hbsix.lib hbmacro.lib hbcplr.lib hbpp.lib hbcommon.lib winmm.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib iphlpapi.lib winspool.lib comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib shell32.lib uuid.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib mpr.lib mapi32.lib imm32.lib msimg32.lib wininet.lib hbpcre.lib hbzlib.lib
with shared
-nologo -out:main.exe C:\Users\iorpe\AppData\Local\Temp\hbmk_bhxtdw.dir\main.obj -libpath:c:\Harbour32\lib\win\msvc -libpath:c:\fwh\lib /NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt -subsystem:windows fiveh32.lib fivehc32.lib hbct.lib xhb.lib hbtip.lib hbfship.lib hbxpp.lib hbwin.lib png.lib hbmzip.lib minizip.lib hbziparc.lib version.lib gdiplus.lib oledlg.lib hbmainstd.lib hbmainwin.lib hbcplr.lib hbdebug.lib winmm.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib iphlpapi.lib winspool.lib comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib shell32.lib uuid.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib mpr.lib mapi32.lib imm32.lib msimg32.lib wininet.lib "harbour-32.lib"