Strange behavior of the when clause in the menu

Strange behavior of the when clause in the menu

Postby mauri.menabue » Sat Dec 14, 2019 11:38 pm

Hi all,
please test this program , is normal behavior ?

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#include ""


static oWnd

function Main()

   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd FROM 1, 5 TO 20, 70 TITLE "Menu When" ;
      MENU BuildMenu()


return nil


function BuildMenu()


MENU oMenu
  MENUITEM "Item 1" when .F.
      MENUITEM "Item 1 / SubItem 1"  ACTION MsgInfo( "Why SubItem 1 is not locked if Item 1 is locked ?" )  when .T.
      MENUITEM "Item 1 / SubItem 2"  ACTION MsgInfo( "Locked" ) when .F.
      MENUITEM "Item 1 / Subitem 3"  ACTION MsgInfo( "Locked without clause 'WHEN'" )    
   MENUITEM "End"   ACTION ( MsgInfo( "End" ), oWnd:End() ) WHEN .T.

return oMenu


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Re: Strange behavior of the when clause in the menu

Postby cnavarro » Sun Dec 15, 2019 12:58 am

Mauri, What version of Fivewin do you use?

Please at moment, try with
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function BuildMenu()


MENU oMenu
  MENUITEM "Item 1" DISABLED //when .F.
      MENUITEM "Item 1 / SubItem 1"  ACTION MsgInfo( "Why SubItem 1 is not locked if Item 1 is locked ?" )  when .T.
      MENUITEM "Item 1 / SubItem 2"  ACTION MsgInfo( "Locked" ) when .F.
      MENUITEM "Item 1 / Subitem 3"  ACTION MsgInfo( "Locked without clause 'WHEN'" )    
   MENUITEM "Other"   ACTION ( oWnd:End() ) WHEN .F.
   MENUITEM "End"     ACTION ( MsgInfo( "End" ), oWnd:End() ) WHEN .T.

return oMenu

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