Unattended creation of .pdf . resolution problem -- RESOLVED

Unattended creation of .pdf . resolution problem -- RESOLVED

Postby Rick Lipkin » Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:17 pm


The attached code ( Reqprint1.txt ) has my logic for creating an un-attended .pdf that creates a Travel Request ... I pass the value of 3 to ReqPrint1 .... Func _ReqPrint1( nView,oDlg,oSay,cSay,oRsTrav ) .. see attached .Txt .. The values of the code are irrelevant .. Attached file TSHIREY2.pdf is the CORRECT resolution ( notice the difference in the file sizes ) and is the result I am looking for .. on certain machines .. TSHIREY.1.pdf for some reason is generated with the wrong resolution.

Question ... How is oPrinter object created in this code .. nView = 3

//nView := 3

Do Case
Case nVIEW = 1
NAME "Request Print Routine "+xLOGIN

MsgStop ( "Printer not Ready !" )

Case nVIEW = 2

NAME "Request Print Routine for "+xLOGIN

MsgStop ( "Printer not Ready !" )

Case nVIEW = 3

PRINT oPrint FILE "c:\dbtmp\"+cPdfName+".pdf" //<------- here


Since there is no direct pointer to a Printer .. where is oPrinter getting its values ... In the attached program .. I evaluate oPrinter to get the Horizontal and vertical values :

nRowStep := oPrint:nVertRes() / 55 // pixel per line = 57.65 @ 55
nColStep := oPrint:nHorzRes() /130 // columns

I use these values to place the output in specific places within the above range .. and use font pixels to arrange the text in the way I want the lines to print .. I realize the attached code may be a bit complex without the data .. but please review the .pdf attachments ...

TSHIREY2.pdf is the CORRECT resolution and is the result I am looking for .. on certain machines ( however ) .. TSHIREY.1.pdf for some reason is generated with the wrong resolution... same code different computers ..

Let me know what you think .. this appears to be a .pdf resolution problem and I think the value of oPrint is the culprit. I am using FWH 2006.

Rick Lipkin

Code: Select all  Expand view

// ReqPrint1.prg


Static lOk

//  Global Function to be used when request is Approved or Rejected
Func _ReqPrint1( nView,oDlg,oSay,cSay,oRsTrav )     // cToPrf

Local oPrint
Local oFont8,oFont8b,oFont10,oFont10b,ofont12ib,oFont12b,oFOnt14,oFont24b,oFont10d,oFont10i
Local oPen1,nLines,nPages,nMargin,nPage
Local nRowStep,nColStep
Local cHead1,cHead2,cText,yText,nPrice
Local xLine,nLinCnt,i
Local dDate

Local  cTrainTp1,cTrainTp2,cTrainTp3,cTrainTp4,cTrainTp5,cTrainTp6
Local cLogin,cEmail,nStart
Local dLeave,dReturn
Local cPdfName,cReplace

cEmail := oRsTrav:Fields("EmpEmail"):Value

if empty(cEmail)
   cEmail := alltrim(xLogin)
   nStart := at( "@", cEmail )
   cEmail := Substr(cEmail,1,nStart-1)

cPdfName := cEmail

dLeave  :=If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("Leave"):Value),ctod("00/00/00"),;
dReturn :=If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("Return"):Value),ctod("00/00/00"),;

cPdfName := cPdfName+"_"+dtoc(dLeave)+"_To_"+dtoc(dReturn)
cReplace := strtran(cPdfName,"/","-" )

cPdfName := cReplace

*msginfo( "cPdfName in Request "+cPdfName )

//nView := 3

Do Case
Case nVIEW = 1
   PRINTER oPRINT FROM USER                ;
   PREVIEW MODAL                           ;
   NAME "Request Print Routine "+xLOGIN

      MsgStop ( "Printer not Ready !" )

Case nVIEW = 2

   PRINTER oPRINT from USER                ;
   NAME "Request Print Routine for "+xLOGIN

      MsgStop ( "Printer not Ready !" )

Case nVIEW = 3

    PRINT oPrint FILE "c:\dbtmp\"+cPdfName+".pdf"

oFont8    := TFont():New( "
Times New Roman", 0,-8, .F.,.F. , , , ,.F.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )
oFont8b   := TFont():New( "
Times New Roman", 0,-8, .F.,.T. , , , ,.F.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )
oFont10   := TFont():New( "
Arial",           0,-9, .F.,.F. , , , ,.F.,,,,,,, oPRINT, ) //-10
oFont10b  := TFont():New( "
Times New Roman", 0,-10,.F.,.T. , , , ,.F.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )
oFont10i  := TFont():New( "
Times New Roman", 0,-10,.F.,.T. , , , ,.T.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )
oFont12ib := TFont():New( "
Times New Roman", 0,-12,.F.,.T. , , , ,.T.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )
oFont12b  := TFont():New( "
Times New Roman", 0,-12,.F.,.T. , , , ,.F.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )
oFont14b  := TFont():New( "
Times New Roman", 0,-14,.F.,.T. , , , ,.F.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )
oFont24b  := TFont():New( "
Times New Roman", 0,-24,.F.,.T. , , , ,.F.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )

oFont10d  := TFont():New(  "
Courier New",    0,-10,.F.,.T. , , , ,.F.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )

DEFINE PEN oPen1 WIDTH 1 // 5 //10

*cSay := "
Generating Output"

*SysWait(1)  // take out later

//lIsRunning := .t.    // cancel trap

nLines    := 0
nPages    := 1

nRowStep := oPrint:nVertRes() / 55      // pixel per line = 57.65 @ 55
nColStep := oPrint:nHorzRes() /130      // columns


nMargin := Int(oPrint:nLogPixelX()*0.2)
LINE    := nMargin
nPage   := 1

cHead1 := "
State of South Carolina Department of Insurance"
cHead2 := "
Travel / Training Request Form"

oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.25), cHead1, oFONT14b )
Line += oFont12b:nHeight
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.34), cHead2, oFONT14b )
Line += oFont12b:nHeight
Line += oFont12b:nHeight

oPrint:Line( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02 ), line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9792), oPen1 )   // top line

Line += oFont12b:nHeight
cText := "
Is this Associated with a"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
PrevAppr"):Value)," ",oRsTrav:Fields("PrevAppr"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.21), cText, oFONT10b )

Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := "
Previously approved"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := "
Designation (Y/N)"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )

*oPrint:Box( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()* .20 ), Line* .77, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.23 ),  oPen1 )   // associaed with

Line -= oFont14b:nHeight+5
Line -= oFont8b:nHeight-12

cText := "
If Yes, Please list"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.25), cText, oFONT10 )
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := "
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.25), cText, oFONT10 )
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := "
( 200 char )"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.25), cText, oFONT10 )

Line -= oFont14b:nHeight+22
oPrint:Box( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()* .38 ), Line* 1.70, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.81 ),  oPen1 )    // designation box

xLine := Line
cText := oRsTrav:Fields("

If Empty(cText) .or. cText = "

   Line += oFont8:nHeight-10

   cText := Alltrim( cText)
   nLinCnt := MlCount( cText, 75 )

   IF nLinCnt > 0
      For x := 1 to nLinCnt
          yText := MemoLine( cText, 75, x )
          oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.39 ), yText, oFONT8 )
          Line += oFont8:nHeight


Line := xLine

cText := "
In State    (Y/N)"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.82), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
InState"):Value)," ",oRsTrav:Fields("Instate"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.96), cText, oFONT10b )

Line += oFont12b:nHeight+20

Line -= oFont14b:nHeight+4
Line += oFont14b:nHeight//+20
Line += oFont10b:nHeight

cText := "
Out State (Y/N)"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.82), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
OutState"):Value)," ",oRsTrav:Fields("OutState"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.96), cText, oFONT10b )
Line += oFont12b:nHeight+20

*oPrint:Box( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()* .98 ), Line* .81, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.95 ),  oPen1 )     // out state

*Line -= oFont14b:nHeight+8
*Line += oFont12b:nHeight+40        // fixed overlap

Line += oFont12b:nHeight+20
Line += oFont12b:nHeight+3

cText := "
Date Leaving or Starting   :"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )
dDate := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
cText := dtoc(dDate)
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.25), cText, oFONT10b )

cText := "
Vendor / Sponsor    :"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.38), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Sponsor"):Value)," ",oRsTrav:Fields("Sponsor"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55), cText, oFONT10b )

Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := "
Date Returning or Ending :"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )
dDate := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
cText := dtoc(dDate)
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.25), cText, oFONT10b )

cText := "
Conference / Event :"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.38), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Event"):Value)," ",oRsTrav:Fields("Event"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55), cText, oFONT10b )

// employee name
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := "
Emp Name   :"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Employee"):Value)," ",oRsTrav:Fields("EMployee"):Value )
cText := UpperLower( cText )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.13), cText, oFONT10b )

cText := "
Location                   :"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.38), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Location"):Value)," ",oRsTrav:Fields("Location"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55), cText, oFONT10b )

Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := "
Emp E-Mail   :"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
EmpEmail"):Value)," ",oRsTrav:Fields("EmpEmail"):Value )
cText := Lower( cText )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.13), cText, oFONT10b )

Line += oFont8:nHeight
cText := "
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := "
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.783), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := "
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.94), cText, oFONT10 )

Line -= oFont8:nHeight
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
Line += oFont10b:nHeight

cText := "
Purpose or"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )

// number of breakfasts --------------------------

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Break"):Value), 0, oRsTrav:Fields("Break"):Value )

Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.565  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.565 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100

   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.56  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )

Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.556 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.54  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.54  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )

oPrint:Line( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55 ), line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9792), oPen1 )   // top line

// BREAKFAST -----------------------------------------------

cText := "
Breakfasts  x"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.62 ), cText, oFONT10 )
nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
BreakC"):Value), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields("BreakC"):Value )

// breakfast cost

Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.77  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.77 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )  /////
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.77  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.62 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.62  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.60  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999.99" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.60  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999.99" ), oFont10b )

cText := "
= $"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.85 ), cText, oFONT10 )

// breakfast totals

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
BreakT"):Value), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields("BreakT"):Value )

Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9238 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )    //.92
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9238 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
                                       // 92
 Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.92 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )     /////////
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.915), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.91), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.91), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

oPrint:Box( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()* .11 ), Line* 1.28, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.54 ),  oPen1 )    // purpose or benefits box

Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := "
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )

// LUNCH --------------------------------------------------
// number of lunches

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Lunch"):Value), 0, oRsTrav:Fields("Lunch"):Value )

Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.565  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.565 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.56  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.556 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.54  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.54  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )

// lunch cost

cText := "
Lunches     x"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.62 ), cText, oFONT10 )

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
LunchC"):Value), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields("LunchC"):Value )

Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.77  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.62 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )

Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.765 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )

Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.62 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.62  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.60  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999.99" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.60  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999.99" ), oFont10b )

cText := "
= $"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.85 ), cText, oFONT10 )

// lunch totals

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
LunchT"):Value), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields("LunchT"):Value )

Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9238 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.92 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.92 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.915),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.91), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := "
(200) char"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )

// number of dinner meals

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Dinner"):Value), 0, oRsTrav:Fields("Dinner"):Value )

Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.565  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.565 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.56  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.556 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.54  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.54  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )

// dinner cost

cText := "
Dinners       x"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.62 ), cText, oFONT10 )
nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
DinnerC"):Value), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields("DinnerC"):Value )

Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.77  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.62 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )

Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.765), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )

Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.62 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.62  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.60  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999.99" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.60  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999.99" ), oFont10b )

cText := "
= $"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.85 ), cText, oFONT10 )

// dinner totals

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
DinnerT"):Value), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields("DinnerT"):Value )

Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9238 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.92 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.92 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.915), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.91), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )     /////////////////
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

Line += oFont10b:nHeight
Line += oFont10b:nHeight

oPrint:Line( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55 ), line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9792), oPen1 )   // bottom line  ------------------------------
cText := "
Total for Meals"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.79), cText, oFONT10 )

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
TMeals"):Value), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields("TMeals"):Value )
Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9238 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.92 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.92 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.915 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.91), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

// recalc for Benefits comments
xLine := line
cText := oRsTrav:Fields("

If Empty(cText) .or. cText = "

   Line += oFont14b:nHeight-200

   cText := Alltrim( cText)
   nLinCnt := MlCount( cText, 75 )

   IF nLinCnt > 0
      For x := 1 to nLinCnt
          yText := MemoLine( cText, 75, x )
          oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.12 ), yText, oFONT8 )
          Line += oFont8:nHeight


Line := xLine

Line += oFont10b:nHeight
Line += oFont10b:nHeight

cText := "
Cont Ed Credits going to be Obtained (Y/N)?"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
ContEdCr"):Value), "N", oRsTrav:Fields("ContEdCr"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.37), cText, oFONT10b )
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := "
If YES, How Many ?"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
HowMany"):Value), 0, oRsTrav:Fields("HowMany"):Value )
cText := Transform( cText,"
999" )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.364), cText, oFONT10b )
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := "
Are you making a Speach or Presentation (Y/N) ?"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Speach"):Value), "N", oRsTrav:Fields("Speach"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.37), cText, oFONT10b )
Line += oFont10b:nHeight

cText := "
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55), cText, oFONT10 )
nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Nights"):Value), 0, oRsTrav:Fields("Nights"):Value )

Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.64  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.64 ),  Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.64 ),  Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
    oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()* .63  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )  //////
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.625 ),  Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.625  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.625  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )

cText := "
Nights @"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.68), cText, oFONT10 )

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
HCost"):Value), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields("HCost"):Value )

// hotel cost

Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.77  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.77 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )  /////
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.765  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.765), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.62  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.60  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999.99" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.60  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999.99" ), oFont10b )

// hotel total dollars
cText := "
= $"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.85 ), cText, oFONT10 )

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
THotel"):Value), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields("THotel"):Value )
Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9238 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.92 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.917 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.915), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.91), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

  Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

Line += oFont10b:nHeight

cText := "
Type of Training (Y/N)?"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := "
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55), cText, oFONT10 )

// number of miles driven

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
NumMiles"):Value), 0.000, oRsTrav:Fields("NumMiles"):Value )
Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.635  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.635 ),  Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.633 ),  Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )  ////
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
    oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()* .626  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )  //////
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.625 ),  Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.625  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.625  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )

cText := "
Miles @"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.68), cText, oFONT10 )

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
MRate"):Value), 0.000, oRsTrav:Fields("MRate"):Value )

// mileage rate
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.778  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9.999" ), oFONT10b  )
cText := "
= $"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.85 ), cText, oFONT10 )

// mileage total
nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
TMileage"):Value), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields("TMileage"):Value )
Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9238 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.92 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100

     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.92 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.915 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.91), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

cTrainTp1  := if(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
TrainTp1"):Value),space(25), substr(oRsTrav:Fields("TrainTp1"):Value+space(25),1,25))
cTrainTp2  := if(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
TrainTp2"):Value),space(25), substr(oRsTrav:Fields("TrainTp2"):Value+space(25),1,25))
cTrainTp3  := if(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
TrainTp3"):Value),space(25), substr(oRsTrav:Fields("TrainTp3"):Value+space(25),1,25))
cTrainTp4  := if(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
TrainTp4"):Value),space(25), substr(oRsTrav:Fields("TrainTp4"):Value+space(25),1,25))
cTrainTp5  := if(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
TrainTp5"):Value),space(25), substr(oRsTrav:Fields("TrainTp5"):Value+space(25),1,25))
cTrainTp6  := if(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
TrainTp6"):Value),space(25), substr(oRsTrav:Fields("TrainTp6"):Value+space(25),1,25))

Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Quality"):Value), "N", oRsTrav:Fields("Quality"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10b )
cText := cTrainTp1
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.05), cText, oFONT10 )
oPrint:Line( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02 ), line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.45 ), oPen1 )     // line

cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
ExamTrav"):Value), "N", oRsTrav:Fields("ExamTrav"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.23), cText, oFONT10b )
cText := cTrainTp4
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.26 ), cText, oFONT10 )                /////////////////
cText := "
Registration or Course Cost"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55), cText, oFONT10 )
nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Regist"):Value), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields("Regist"):Value )
Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()* .9238 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.92 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.917 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.915), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.91), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

  Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

Line += oFont10b:nHeight

cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Mgmt"):Value), "N", oRsTrav:Fields("Mgmt"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10b )
cText := cTrainTp2
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.05), cText, oFONT10 )

cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
ProDev"):Value), "N", oRsTrav:Fields("ProDev"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.23), cText, oFONT10b )
cText := cTrainTp5
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.26 ), cText, oFONT10 )

cText := "
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55), cText, oFONT10 )
nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Airfare"):Value), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields("Airfare"):Value )
Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()* .9238 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.92 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.917 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.915), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.91), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

Line += oFont10b:nHeight

cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Tech"):Value), "N", oRsTrav:Fields("Tech"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10b )
cText := cTrainTp3
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.05), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Conf"):Value), "N", oRsTrav:Fields("Conf"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.23), cText, oFONT10b )

cText := cTrainTp6
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.26 ), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := "
Misc, Other, Baggage"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55), cText, oFONT10 )
nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
MiscCost"):Value), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields("MiscCost"):Value )
Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()* .9238 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.92 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.918 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.915), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.91), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
oPrint:Line( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55 ), line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9792), oPen1 )     // bottom expense line

cText := "
Grand Total"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.80), cText, oFONT10 )

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
GrandTot"):Value), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields("GrandTot"):Value )
Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()* .9238 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.92 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.918 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.915), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.91), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

xLine := line

Line += oFont10b:nHeight-5
cText := "
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.90), cText, oFONT10 )

Line := xLine

*Line += oFont10b:nHeight
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := "
What knowledge transfer activity will be Completed ( Y/N )"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := "
For All that Apply"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )

Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
OverView"):Value), "N", oRsTrav:Fields("OverView"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10b )
cText := "
Written Overview of Event and ( key Take Aways )"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.05), cText, oFONT10 )
oPrint:Line( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02 ), line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.45 ), oPen1 )     // line

cText := "
Manager Approval"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := "
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.78), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := "
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.87), cText, oFONT10 )
Line += oFont10b:nHeight

oPrint:Line( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55 ), line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9792), oPen1 )
cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
LunchLrn"):Value), "N", oRsTrav:Fields("LunchLrn"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10b )
cText := "
Lunch and Learn Presented or afforded to DOI"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.05), cText, oFONT10 )

cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Mgr1"):Value), " ", UpperLower(oRsTrav:Fields("Mgr1"):Value ))
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55), cText, oFONT10b )
dDate := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
cText := dtoc(dDate)
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.78), cText, oFONT10b )

cText := If( empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Mgr1Yes"):Value), " ",  oRsTrav:Fields("Mgr1Yes"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.92), cText, oFONT10b )
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
oPrint:Line( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55 ), line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9792), oPen1 )

cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
OtherTBD"):Value), "N", oRsTrav:Fields("OtherTBD"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10b )
cText := "
Other ( TBD upon consultation with Supervisor"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.05), cText, oFONT10 )

cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Mgr2"):Value), " ", UpperLower(oRsTrav:Fields("Mgr2"):Value ))
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55), cText, oFONT10b )

dDate := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
cText := dtoc(dDate)
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.78), cText, oFONT10b )

cText := If( empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Mgr2Yes"):Value), " ",  oRsTrav:Fields("Mgr2Yes"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.92), cText, oFONT10b )

Line += oFont10b:nHeight
oPrint:Line( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55 ), line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9792), oPen1 )

cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
NotApp"):Value), "N", oRsTrav:Fields("NotApp"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10b )
cText := "
None or Not Applicable"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.05), cText, oFONT10 )

cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Mgr3"):Value), " ", UpperLower(oRsTrav:Fields("Mgr3"):Value) )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55), cText, oFONT10b )

dDate := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
cText := dtoc(dDate)
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.78), cText, oFONT10b )

Line += oFont10b:nHeight
oPrint:Line( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55 ), line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9792), oPen1 )

cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Mgr4"):Value), " ", UpperLower(oRsTrav:Fields("Mgr4"):Value) )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55), cText, oFONT10b )

dDate := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
cText := dtoc(dDate)
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.78), cText, oFONT10b )

Line += oFont10b:nHeight
oPrint:Line( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.55 ), line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.9792), oPen1 )

Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := "
Fiscal Yr"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := "
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.19), cText, oFONT10 )
cText := "
Continuing Ed Hours"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.30), cText, oFONT10 )
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
oPrint:Line( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02 ), line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.45 ), oPen1 )

xLine := Line                             // .38               1.70                      .81
oPrint:Box( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()* .60 ), Line* 1.15, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.98 ),  oPen1 )

cText := oRsTrav:Fields("
Comments"):Value    // rejection

If Empty(cText) .or. cText = "

   cText := Alltrim( cText)
   nLinCnt := MlCount( cText, 65 )

   IF nLinCnt > 0
      For x := 1 to nLinCnt
          yText := MemoLine( cText, 65, x )
          oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.61 ), yText, oFONT8 )
          Line += oFont8:nHeight


Line := xLine

cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
CurrFY"):Value), " ", oRsTrav:Fields("CurrFy"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
CurrCont"):Value), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields("CurrCont"):Value )
Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.19 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.19 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.185 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.181), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.178), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.173), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.19), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
CurrHrs"):Value), 0, oRsTrav:Fields("CurrHrs"):Value )
Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.353 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.353 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.350 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.345), Transform( nPrice,   "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.342), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.338), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.19), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )

Line += oFont10b:nHeight

cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
PrevFY"):Value), " ", oRsTrav:Fields("PrevFy"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFONT10 )

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
PrevCont"):Value), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields("PrevCont"):Value )
Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.19 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.19 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.185 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.181), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.178), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.173), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.19), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

nPrice := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
PrevHrs"):Value), 0, oRsTrav:Fields("PrevHrs"):Value )
Do Case
Case nPrice = 0
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.353 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFONT10b  )
Case nPrice > 0 .and. nPrice < 10
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.353 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10 .and. nPrice < 100
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.350 ),Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 100 .and. nPrice < 1000
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.345), Transform( nPrice,   "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 1000 .and. nPrice < 10000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.342), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
Case nPrice >= 10000 .and. nPrice < 100000
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.338), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
     oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.19), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )

cText := "
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.50), cText, oFont10 )
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := "
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.50), cText, oFont10 )

*Line += oFont10b:nHeight
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
Line += oFont10b:nHeight

oPrint:Line( line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02 ), line, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.45 ), oPen1 )
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := "
Created By"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.02), cText, oFont10 )
dDate := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
cText := dtoc(dDate)
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.169), cText, oFONT10b )

cText := "
Fiscal Year"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.33), cText, oFONT10 )
Line += oFont10b:nHeight
cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
CreateBy"):Value), " ", oRsTrav:Fields("CreateBy"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.169), lower(cText), oFONT10b )

cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
FiscalYr"):Value), " ", oRsTrav:Fields("FiscalYr"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.35), cText, oFONT10b )

cText := "
Final Close Info :"
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.60), cText, oFONT10 )

cText := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
Fanswer"):Value), " ", oRsTrav:Fields("Fanswer"):Value )
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.73), cText, oFONT10b )

dDate := If(empty(oRsTrav:Fields("
cText := dtoc(dDate)
oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, (oPrint:nHorzRes()*.85), cText, oFONT10b )


Do Case
Case nView = 1   // view
Case nView = 2
Case nView = 3
   PRINT TO oPrint FILE "

  * FWSavePreviewToPDF( oPrint, "
c:\dbtmp\Rick.pdf", .F. )
  *   SavePreviewToPDF( oPrint, "
c:\dbtmp\Rick.pdf", .F. )






ENd Try


Static Func prntline( pLINE, oFont, nColStep, Line, oPrint )

LOCAL i,nCol

nCol := 0

FOR i = 1 to LEN(pLINE)
    oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, nCOL, SUBSTR(pLINE,i,1) , oFont )
    nCOL += nColStep
*Line += nRowStep


// end

Pictures of two .pdfs .. same code, different machines ...
Good resolution:

Bad resolution:Image
Last edited by Rick Lipkin on Thu Oct 14, 2021 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Rick Lipkin
Posts: 2656
Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:50 pm
Location: Columbia, South Carolina USA

Re: Unattended creation of .pdf .. resolution problem -- Rao

Postby Rick Lipkin » Sat Sep 18, 2021 12:58 pm

Any Help . Any Ideas ?? Thanks, Rick
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Rick Lipkin
Posts: 2656
Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:50 pm
Location: Columbia, South Carolina USA

Re: Unattended creation of .pdf .. resolution problem -- Rao

Postby karinha » Sat Sep 18, 2021 1:27 pm

Sorry, there's no way to help you, it's not possible to compile. Create a template, which can be compiled into \samples please.

Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_TTODATE'
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_UPPERLOWER'

Code: Select all  Expand view


// ReqPrint1.prg

#Include "FiveWin.ch"


// -------------------------------------------
// Global Function to be used when request is Approved or Rejected
FUNCTION _ReqPrint1( nView, oDlg, oSay, cSay, oRsTrav )     // cToPrf

   LOCAL oPrint
   LOCAL oFont8, oFont8b, oFont10, oFont10b, ofont12ib, oFont12b, oFOnt14, ;
         oFont24b, oFont10d, oFont10i
   LOCAL oPen1, nLines, nPages, nMargin, nPage
   LOCAL nRowStep, nColStep
   LOCAL cHead1, cHead2, cText, yText, nPrice
   LOCAL xLine, nLinCnt, i
   LOCAL dDate

   LOCAL  cTrainTp1, cTrainTp2, cTrainTp3, cTrainTp4, cTrainTp5, cTrainTp6
   LOCAL cLogin, cEmail, nStart
   LOCAL dLeave, dReturn
   LOCAL cPdfName, cReplace

   cEmail := oRsTrav:Fields( "EmpEmail" ):Value

   IF Empty( cEmail )
      cEmail := AllTrim( xLogin )
      nStart := At( "@", cEmail )
      cEmail := SubStr( cEmail, 1, nStart - 1 )

   cPdfName := cEmail

   dLeave   := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "Leave" ):Value ), CToD( "00/00/00" ), ;
      TtoDate( oRsTrav:Fields( "Leave" ):Value ) )

   dReturn  := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "Return" ):Value ), CToD( "00/00/00" ), ;
      TtoDate( oRsTrav:Fields( "Return" ):Value ) )

   cPdfName := cPdfName + "_" + DToC( dLeave ) + "_To_" + DToC( dReturn )
   cReplace := StrTran( cPdfName, "/", "-" )

   cPdfName := cReplace

   // msginfo( "cPdfName in Request "+cPdfName )

   // nView := 3

   CASE nVIEW = 1
      PRINTER oPRINT FROM USER                ;
         PREVIEW MODAL                           ;
         NAME "Request Print Routine " + xLOGIN

      IF Empty( oPRINT:hDC )
         MsgStop ( "Printer not Ready !" )
         RETURN( NIL )

   CASE nVIEW = 2

      PRINTER oPRINT FROM USER                ;
         NAME "Request Print Routine for " + xLOGIN

      IF Empty( oPRINT:hDC )
         MsgStop ( "Printer not Ready !" )
         RETURN( NIL )

   CASE nVIEW = 3

      PRINT oPrint FILE "c:\dbtmp\" + cPdfName + ".pdf"


   oFont8    := TFont():New( "
Times New Roman", 0, - 8, .F., .F., , , , .F.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )
   oFont8b   := TFont():New( "
Times New Roman", 0, - 8, .F., .T., , , , .F.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )
   oFont10   := TFont():New( "
Arial",           0, - 9, .F., .F., , , , .F.,,,,,,, oPRINT, ) // -10
   oFont10b  := TFont():New( "
Times New Roman", 0, - 10, .F., .T., , , , .F.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )
   oFont10i  := TFont():New( "
Times New Roman", 0, - 10, .F., .T., , , , .T.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )
   oFont12ib := TFont():New( "
Times New Roman", 0, - 12, .F., .T., , , , .T.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )
   oFont12b  := TFont():New( "
Times New Roman", 0, - 12, .F., .T., , , , .F.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )
   oFont14b  := TFont():New( "
Times New Roman", 0, - 14, .F., .T., , , , .F.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )
   oFont24b  := TFont():New( "
Times New Roman", 0, - 24, .F., .T., , , , .F.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )

   oFont10d  := TFont():New(  "
Courier New",    0, - 10, .F., .T., , , , .F.,,,,,,, oPRINT, )

   DEFINE PEN oPen1 WIDTH 1 // 5 //10

   nLines    := 0
   nPages    := 1

   nRowStep := oPrint:nVertRes() / 55      // pixel per line = 57.65 @ 55
   nColStep := oPrint:nHorzRes() / 130      // columns


   nMargin := Int( oPrint:nLogPixelX() * 0.2 )
   LINE    := nMargin
   nPage   := 1

   cHead1 := "
State of South Carolina Department of Insurance"
   cHead2 := "
Travel / Training Request Form"

   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .25 ), cHead1, oFONT14b )
   Line += oFont12b:nHeight
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .34 ), cHead2, oFONT14b )
   Line += oFont12b:nHeight
   Line += oFont12b:nHeight

   oPrint:Line( line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9792 ), oPen1 )   // top line

   Line += oFont12b:nHeight
   cText := "
Is this Associated with a"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
PrevAppr" ):Value ), " ", oRsTrav:Fields( "PrevAppr" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .21 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := "
Previously approved"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := "
Designation (Y/N)"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   Line -= oFont14b:nHeight + 5
   Line -= oFont8b:nHeight - 12

   cText := "
If Yes, Please list"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .25 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := "
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .25 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := "
( 200 char )"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .25 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   Line -= oFont14b:nHeight + 22
   oPrint:Box( line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .38 ), Line * 1.70, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .81 ),  oPen1 )    // designation box

   xLine := Line
   cText := oRsTrav:Fields( "
Design" ):Value

   IF Empty( cText ) .OR. cText = "

      Line += oFont8:nHeight - 10

      cText := AllTrim( cText )
      nLinCnt := MLCount( cText, 75 )

      IF nLinCnt > 0
         FOR x := 1 TO nLinCnt
            yText := MemoLine( cText, 75, x )
            oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .39 ), yText, oFONT8 )
            Line += oFont8:nHeight


   Line := xLine

   cText := "
In State    (Y/N)"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .82 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
InState" ):Value ), " ", oRsTrav:Fields( "Instate" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .96 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   Line += oFont12b:nHeight + 20

   Line -= oFont14b:nHeight + 4
   Line += oFont14b:nHeight// +20
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight

   cText := "
Out State (Y/N)"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .82 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
OutState" ):Value ), " ", oRsTrav:Fields( "OutState" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .96 ), cText, oFONT10b )
   Line += oFont12b:nHeight + 20

   Line += oFont12b:nHeight + 20
   Line += oFont12b:nHeight + 3

   cText := "
Date Leaving or Starting   :"

   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   dDate := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Leave" ):Value ), CToD( "00/00/00" ), ;
      TtoDate( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Leave" ):Value ) )

   cText := DToC( dDate )

   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .25 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   cText := "
Vendor / Sponsor    :"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .38 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Sponsor" ):Value ), " ", oRsTrav:Fields( "Sponsor" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := "
Date Returning or Ending :"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   dDate := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Return" ):Value ), CToD( "00/00/00" ), ;
      TtoDate( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Return" ):Value ) )
   cText := DToC( dDate )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .25 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   cText := "
Conference / Event :"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .38 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Event" ):Value ), " ", oRsTrav:Fields( "Event" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   // employee name
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := "
Emp Name   :"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Employee" ):Value ), " ", oRsTrav:Fields( "EMployee" ):Value )
   cText := UpperLower( cText )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .13 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   cText := "
Location                   :"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .38 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Location" ):Value ), " ", oRsTrav:Fields( "Location" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := "
Emp E-Mail   :"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
EmpEmail" ):Value ), " ", oRsTrav:Fields( "EmpEmail" ):Value )
   cText := Lower( cText )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .13 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   Line += oFont8:nHeight
   cText := "
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := "
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .783 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := "
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .94 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   Line -= oFont8:nHeight
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight

   cText := "
Purpose or"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   // number of breakfasts --------------------------

   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Break" ):Value ), 0, oRsTrav:Fields( "Break" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .565  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .565 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100

      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .56  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )

   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .556 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .54  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .54  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )

   oPrint:Line( line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9792 ), oPen1 )   // top line

   // BREAKFAST -----------------------------------------------

   cText := "
Breakfasts  x"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .62 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
BreakC" ):Value ), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields( "BreakC" ):Value )

   // breakfast cost

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .77  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .77 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )  // ///
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .77  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .62 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .62  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .60  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .60  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   cText := "
= $"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .85 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   // breakfast totals

   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
BreakT" ):Value ), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields( "BreakT" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9238 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )    // .92
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9238 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      // 92
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .92 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )     // ///////
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .915 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .91 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .91 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   oPrint:Box( line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .11 ), Line * 1.28, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .54 ),  oPen1 )    // purpose or benefits box

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := "
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   // LUNCH --------------------------------------------------
   // number of lunches
   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Lunch" ):Value ), 0, oRsTrav:Fields( "Lunch" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .565  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .565 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .56  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .556 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .54  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .54  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )

   // lunch cost
   cText := "
Lunches     x"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .62 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
LunchC" ):Value ), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields( "LunchC" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .77  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .62 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .765 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .62 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .62  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .60  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .60  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   cText := "
= $"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .85 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   // lunch totals
   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
LunchT" ):Value ), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields( "LunchT" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9238 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .92 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .92 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .915 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .91 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := "
(200) char"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   // number of dinner meals

   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Dinner" ):Value ), 0, oRsTrav:Fields( "Dinner" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .565  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .565 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .56  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .556 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .54  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .54  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )

   // dinner cost

   cText := "
Dinners       x"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .62 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
DinnerC" ):Value ), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields( "DinnerC" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .77  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .62 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .765 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .62 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .62  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .60  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .60  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   cText := "
= $"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .85 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   // dinner totals

   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
DinnerT" ):Value ), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields( "DinnerT" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9238 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .92 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .92 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .915 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .91 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )     // ///////////////
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight

   oPrint:Line( line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9792 ), oPen1 )   // bottom line  ------------------------------
   cText := "
Total for Meals"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .79 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
TMeals" ):Value ), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields( "TMeals" ):Value )
   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9238 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .92 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .92 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .915 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .91 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   // recalc for Benefits comments
   xLine := line
   cText := oRsTrav:Fields( "
Benefits" ):Value

   IF Empty( cText ) .OR. cText = "

      Line += oFont14b:nHeight - 200

      cText := AllTrim( cText )
      nLinCnt := MLCount( cText, 75 )

      IF nLinCnt > 0
         FOR x := 1 TO nLinCnt
            yText := MemoLine( cText, 75, x )
            oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .12 ), yText, oFONT8 )
            Line += oFont8:nHeight


   Line := xLine

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight

   cText := "
Cont Ed Credits going to be Obtained (Y/N)?"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
ContEdCr" ):Value ), "N", oRsTrav:Fields( "ContEdCr" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .37 ), cText, oFONT10b )
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := "
If YES, How Many ?"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
HowMany" ):Value ), 0, oRsTrav:Fields( "HowMany" ):Value )
   cText := Transform( cText, "
999" )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .364 ), cText, oFONT10b )
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := "
Are you making a Speach or Presentation (Y/N) ?"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Speach" ):Value ), "N", oRsTrav:Fields( "Speach" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .37 ), cText, oFONT10b )
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight

   cText := "
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Nights" ):Value ), 0, oRsTrav:Fields( "Nights" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .64  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .64 ),  Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .64 ),  Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .63  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )  // ////
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .625 ),  Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .625  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .625  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )

   cText := "
Nights @"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .68 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
HCost" ):Value ), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields( "HCost" ):Value )

   // hotel cost

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .77  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .77 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )  // ///
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .765  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .765 ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .62  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .60  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .60  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   // hotel total dollars
   cText := "
= $"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .85 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
THotel" ):Value ), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields( "THotel" ):Value )
   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9238 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .92 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .917 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .915 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .91 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight

   cText := "
Type of Training (Y/N)?"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := "
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   // number of miles driven

   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
NumMiles" ):Value ), 0.000, oRsTrav:Fields( "NumMiles" ):Value )
   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .635  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .635 ),  Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .633 ),  Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )  // //
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .626  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )  // ////
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .625 ),  Transform( nPrice, "
9,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .625  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .625  ), Transform( nPrice, "
99,999" ), oFont10b )

   cText := "
Miles @"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .68 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
MRate" ):Value ), 0.000, oRsTrav:Fields( "MRate" ):Value )

   // mileage rate
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .778  ), Transform( nPrice, "
9.999" ), oFONT10b  )
   cText := "
= $"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .85 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   // mileage total
   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
TMileage" ):Value ), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields( "TMileage" ):Value )
   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9238 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .92 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100

      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .92 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .915 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .91 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   cTrainTp1  := if( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
TrainTp1" ):Value ), Space( 25 ), SubStr( oRsTrav:Fields( "TrainTp1" ):Value + Space( 25 ), 1, 25 ) )
   cTrainTp2  := if( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
TrainTp2" ):Value ), Space( 25 ), SubStr( oRsTrav:Fields( "TrainTp2" ):Value + Space( 25 ), 1, 25 ) )
   cTrainTp3  := if( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
TrainTp3" ):Value ), Space( 25 ), SubStr( oRsTrav:Fields( "TrainTp3" ):Value + Space( 25 ), 1, 25 ) )
   cTrainTp4  := if( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
TrainTp4" ):Value ), Space( 25 ), SubStr( oRsTrav:Fields( "TrainTp4" ):Value + Space( 25 ), 1, 25 ) )
   cTrainTp5  := if( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
TrainTp5" ):Value ), Space( 25 ), SubStr( oRsTrav:Fields( "TrainTp5" ):Value + Space( 25 ), 1, 25 ) )
   cTrainTp6  := if( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
TrainTp6" ):Value ), Space( 25 ), SubStr( oRsTrav:Fields( "TrainTp6" ):Value + Space( 25 ), 1, 25 ) )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Quality" ):Value ), "N", oRsTrav:Fields( "Quality" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10b )
   cText := cTrainTp1
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .05 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   oPrint:Line( line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .45 ), oPen1 )     // line

   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
ExamTrav" ):Value ), "N", oRsTrav:Fields( "ExamTrav" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .23 ), cText, oFONT10b )
   cText := cTrainTp4
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .26 ), cText, oFONT10 )                // ///////////////
   cText := "
Registration or Course Cost"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Regist" ):Value ), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields( "Regist" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9238 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .92 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .917 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .915 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .91 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight

   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Mgmt" ):Value ), "N", oRsTrav:Fields( "Mgmt" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10b )
   cText := cTrainTp2
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .05 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
ProDev" ):Value ), "N", oRsTrav:Fields( "ProDev" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .23 ), cText, oFONT10b )
   cText := cTrainTp5
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .26 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   cText := "
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Airfare" ):Value ), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields( "Airfare" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9238 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .92 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .917 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .915 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .91 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight

   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Tech" ):Value ), "N", oRsTrav:Fields( "Tech" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10b )
   cText := cTrainTp3
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .05 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Conf" ):Value ), "N", oRsTrav:Fields( "Conf" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .23 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   cText := cTrainTp6
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .26 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := "
Misc, Other, Baggage"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
MiscCost" ):Value ), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields( "MiscCost" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9238 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .92 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .918 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .915 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .91 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   oPrint:Line( line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9792 ), oPen1 )     // bottom expense line

   cText := "
Grand Total"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .80 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
GrandTot" ):Value ), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields( "GrandTot" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9238 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .92 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .918 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .915 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .91 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   xLine := line

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight - 5
   cText := "
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .90 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   Line := xLine

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := "
What knowledge transfer activity will be Completed ( Y/N )"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := "
For All that Apply"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
OverView" ):Value ), "N", oRsTrav:Fields( "OverView" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10b )
   cText := "
Written Overview of Event and ( key Take Aways )"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .05 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   oPrint:Line( line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .45 ), oPen1 )     // line

   cText := "
Manager Approval"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := "
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .78 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := "
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .87 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight

   oPrint:Line( line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9792 ), oPen1 )
   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
LunchLrn" ):Value ), "N", oRsTrav:Fields( "LunchLrn" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10b )
   cText := "
Lunch and Learn Presented or afforded to DOI"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .05 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Mgr1" ):Value ), " ", UpperLower( oRsTrav:Fields( "Mgr1" ):Value ) )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), cText, oFONT10b )
   dDate := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Mgr1Date" ):Value ), CToD( "00/00/00" ), ;
      TtoDate( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Mgr1Date" ):Value ) )
   cText := DToC( dDate )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .78 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Mgr1Yes" ):Value ), " ",  oRsTrav:Fields( "Mgr1Yes" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .92 ), cText, oFONT10b )
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   oPrint:Line( line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9792 ), oPen1 )

   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
OtherTBD" ):Value ), "N", oRsTrav:Fields( "OtherTBD" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10b )
   cText := "
Other ( TBD upon consultation with Supervisor"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .05 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Mgr2" ):Value ), " ", UpperLower( oRsTrav:Fields( "Mgr2" ):Value ) )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   dDate := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Mgr2Date" ):Value ), CToD( "00/00/00" ), ;
      TtoDate( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Mgr2Date" ):Value ) )
   cText := DToC( dDate )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .78 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Mgr2Yes" ):Value ), " ",  oRsTrav:Fields( "Mgr2Yes" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .92 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   oPrint:Line( line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9792 ), oPen1 )

   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
NotApp" ):Value ), "N", oRsTrav:Fields( "NotApp" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10b )
   cText := "
None or Not Applicable"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .05 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Mgr3" ):Value ), " ", UpperLower( oRsTrav:Fields( "Mgr3" ):Value ) )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   dDate := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Mgr3Date" ):Value ), CToD( "00/00/00" ), ;
      TtoDate( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Mgr3Date" ):Value ) )
   cText := DToC( dDate )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .78 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   oPrint:Line( line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9792 ), oPen1 )

   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Mgr4" ):Value ), " ", UpperLower( oRsTrav:Fields( "Mgr4" ):Value ) )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   dDate := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Mgr4Date" ):Value ), CToD( "00/00/00" ), ;
      TtoDate( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Mgr4Date" ):Value ) )
   cText := DToC( dDate )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .78 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   oPrint:Line( line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .55 ), line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .9792 ), oPen1 )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := "
Fiscal Yr"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := "
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .19 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   cText := "
Continuing Ed Hours"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .30 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   oPrint:Line( line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .45 ), oPen1 )

   xLine := Line                             // .38               1.70                      .81
   oPrint:Box( line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .60 ), Line * 1.15, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .98 ),  oPen1 )

   cText := oRsTrav:Fields( "
Comments" ):Value    // rejection

   IF Empty( cText ) .OR. cText = "

      cText := AllTrim( cText )
      nLinCnt := MLCount( cText, 65 )

      IF nLinCnt > 0
         FOR x := 1 TO nLinCnt
            yText := MemoLine( cText, 65, x )
            oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .61 ), yText, oFONT8 )
            Line += oFont8:nHeight


   Line := xLine

   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
CurrFY" ):Value ), " ", oRsTrav:Fields( "CurrFy" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
CurrCont" ):Value ), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields( "CurrCont" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .19 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .19 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .185 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .181 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .178 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .173 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .19 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
CurrHrs" ):Value ), 0, oRsTrav:Fields( "CurrHrs" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .353 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .353 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .350 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .345 ), Transform( nPrice,   "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .342 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .338 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .19 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight

   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
PrevFY" ):Value ), " ", oRsTrav:Fields( "PrevFy" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
PrevCont" ):Value ), 0.00, oRsTrav:Fields( "PrevCont" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .19 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .19 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .185 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .181 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .178 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .173 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .19 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999.99" ), oFont10b )

   nPrice := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
PrevHrs" ):Value ), 0, oRsTrav:Fields( "PrevHrs" ):Value )

   CASE nPrice = 0
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .353 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFONT10b  )
   CASE nPrice > 0 .AND. nPrice < 10
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .353 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10 .AND. nPrice < 100
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .350 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 100 .AND. nPrice < 1000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .345 ), Transform( nPrice,   "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 1000 .AND. nPrice < 10000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .342 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
   CASE nPrice >= 10000 .AND. nPrice < 100000
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .338 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )
      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .19 ), Transform( nPrice, "
999,999" ), oFont10b )

   cText := "
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .50 ), cText, oFont10 )
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := "
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .50 ), cText, oFont10 )

   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight

   oPrint:Line( line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), line, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .45 ), oPen1 )
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := "
Created By"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .02 ), cText, oFont10 )
   dDate := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
CreateDt" ):Value ), CToD( "00/00/00" ), ;
      TtoDate( oRsTrav:Fields( "
CreateDt" ):Value ) )
   cText := DToC( dDate )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .169 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   cText := "
Fiscal Year"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .33 ), cText, oFONT10 )
   Line += oFont10b:nHeight
   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
CreateBy" ):Value ), " ", oRsTrav:Fields( "CreateBy" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .169 ), Lower( cText ), oFONT10b )

   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
FiscalYr" ):Value ), " ", oRsTrav:Fields( "FiscalYr" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .35 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   cText := "
Final Close Info :"
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .60 ), cText, oFONT10 )

   cText := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
Fanswer" ):Value ), " ", oRsTrav:Fields( "Fanswer" ):Value )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .73 ), cText, oFONT10b )

   dDate := If( Empty( oRsTrav:Fields( "
FDate" ):Value ), CToD( "00/00/00" ), ;
      TtoDate( oRsTrav:Fields( "
FDate" ):Value ) )
   cText := DToC( dDate )
   oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, ( oPrint:nHorzRes() * .85 ), cText, oFONT10b )



   RELEASE FONT oFont10b
   RELEASE FONT oFont10i
   RELEASE FONT oFont12ib
   RELEASE FONT oFont12b
   RELEASE FONT oFont14b
   RELEASE FONT oFont24b

   RELEASE FONT oFont10d


   ENd Try

Return( cEmail )

STATIC FUNC prntline( pLINE, oFont, nColStep, Line, oPrint )

   LOCAL i, nCol

   nCol := 0

   FOR i = 1 TO Len( pLINE )

      oPRINT:SAY ( LINE, nCOL, SubStr( pLINE, i, 1 ), oFont )

      nCOL += nColStep



// end

Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: Unattended creation of .pdf .. resolution problem -- Rao

Postby ADutheil » Sun Sep 19, 2021 11:47 am

First thing I'd investigate is the default printer on each computer. I had a similar problem some years ago and if I remember well it was due to differences between printers ink jet/laser, portrait vs landscape etc. Unfortunatly I can't recall ATM.

André Dutheil
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Re: Unattended creation of .pdf .. resolution problem -- Rao

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sun Sep 19, 2021 7:59 pm

After the PRINT command, please try setting paper size ( A4 or Letter ) and orientation to portrait.

In future programs, we advise you to use physical units like INCHES,CM,MM and let the printer class handle the complex calculations. That will be a lot easier.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Unattended creation of .pdf .. resolution problem -- Rao

Postby Rick Lipkin » Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:43 pm


Appreciate your advice this ( silent ) .pdf is created for standard 8.5 x 11 paper .. would you mind sending me the sample code for setting the paper size ?

May thinks!!

Rick Lipkin
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Rick Lipkin
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Re: Unattended creation of .pdf .. resolution problem -- Rao

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Mon Sep 20, 2021 8:57 pm

PRINT oPrn FILE cFilePdf
oPrn:SetPage( 1 ) // Letter size 8x11

nWidth := oPrn:PageWidth( "INCHES" )
nHeight := oPrn:PageHeight( "INCHES" )

// nWidth and nHeight are in inches

Please see print.ch and find many useful commands for printing using physical units like INCHES/CM/MM

@ 1.5,0.5 PRINT TO oPrn TEXT cText SIZE 5 INCHES ALIGN "R" // right

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: Unattended creation of .pdf .. resolution problem -- Rao

Postby Rick Lipkin » Tue Sep 21, 2021 12:32 pm


Here are the two functions that are missing from my code ... any help or advice would be gratefully appreciated ...

Rick Lipkin

Code: Select all  Expand view


Function TtoDate( tDate )

If empty( tDate)
   Return( ctod("00/00/00"))

If ValType( tDate ) = "D"
   Return(tDate )

Func UpperLower( cText )

Local nLen,i,cField

If empty( cText ) .or. cText = "  "
   Return(" ")

nLen  := len( cText )

For i = 1 to Len(cText)

   If i = 1
      cField := upper(substr(cText,i,1))

   // check for multiple words
   // use space as the delimeter

   If substr(cText,i,1) = space(1) // found a space in between words
      cField := cField+" "+upper(substr(cText,i,1))
      cField := cField+lower(substr(cText,i,1))


cText := cField


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Rick Lipkin
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Re: Unattended creation of .pdf .. resolution problem -- Rao

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Mon Sep 27, 2021 10:27 pm

Instead of UpperLower()
you can use
Code: Select all  Expand view

TokenUpper( Lower( cStr ) )

From FWH version 21.01 onwards, better to use
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FW_ProperCase( cStr )


G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: Unattended creation of .pdf . resolution problem -- RESOLVED

Postby Rick Lipkin » Thu Oct 14, 2021 9:51 pm

To All

Worked with Rao this afternoon ( a brilliant resource ) .. and there are several changes to consider when you create a .pdf in code .. I will try to List the "high points"

1) At the top of your Program you MUST insert REQUEST FWHARU
2) You need to add an variable at the top of your program to be able to save the file
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Local lSaveHaru   := TPrinter():lUseHaruPDF

3) You define oPrint like this
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PRINT oPrint FILE "c:\dbtmp\"+cPdfName+".pdf"   // location and name of your .pdf

oPrint:SetPage( 1 )

4) You have to think in INCHES and not Pixels ... Rao did the calculation .. maybe he can chime in here for the SIZE conversion

Code: Select all  Expand view

   cHead1 := "State of South Carolina Department of Insurance"
   cHead2 := "Travel / Training Request Form"

   nRow  := 0.25 // inches
   @ nRow, 0.25 PRINT TO oPrint TEXT cHead1 + CRLF+ cHead2 SIZE 7.50,0.50 INCHES ;
      FONT oFont14b ALIGN "T"
   oPrint:Line( 0.8, 0.25, 0.8, 7.75, oPen1, "INCHES" )


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Another Example
@ nRow, 6.45 PRINT TO oPrint TEXT "In State    (Y/N)" SIZE 1.3,0.6 INCHES FONT oFont10
// nRow is the same as the physical LINE where you want to insert your text


At the end of your code you need to issue these commands

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// save the .pdf
TPrinter():lUseHaruPDF := lSaveHaru

This was not an easy exercise .. and would have been impossible with out Rao's Help and for that I give him a BIG Shout OUT for his tireless assistance and late hours ( in India )

Thank again Rao ..

Rick Lipkin
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