Email with SSL / TLS using FiveWin

Email with SSL / TLS using FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Wed Jun 29, 2022 2:24 pm


i found CLASS TSmtp and CLASS TPop3.

Question : can they use SSL / TLS :?:
if yes, how :idea:

what else can i use under FiveWin :idea:


i also use CDO but it also fail with TLS > 1.1
under HMG i use hbTIP but i was told to use hbCURL and OpenSSL instead.
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Re: Email with SSL / TLS using FiveWin

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Jun 30, 2022 3:15 pm

Dear Jimmy,

> i found CLASS TSmtp and CLASS TPop3

Those classes don't support SSL / TLS

Please search for SSL in these forums
regards, saludos

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Re: Email with SSL / TLS using FiveWin

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Jun 30, 2022 3:20 pm

regards, saludos

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Re: Email with SSL / TLS using FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Thu Jun 30, 2022 11:10 pm

hi Antonio,

thx for Answer.

as i know Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) is not support any more since Server 2016
Server 2016 use Exchange Web Services (EWS) but it have no COM Interface.
not sure if CDO will work in Future


i do use hbTIP with SSL / TLS but i was told to change it
i need SSL / TLS > 1.1

so a can not use CLASS TSmtp and CLASS TPop3

i was told to use hbCURL but found no Sample for Email


under Windows 10/11 we have CURL.EXE

i have found Sample using Parameter to send Email using CURL.EXE

Question : is hbCURL and CURL.EXE "same" :?:
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Re: Email with SSL / TLS using FiveWin

Postby Antonio Linares » Fri Jul 01, 2022 5:34 am

Dear Jimmy,

> Question : is hbCURL and CURL.EXE "same" :?:

Yes, they should offer the same functionality

> i have found Sample using Parameter to send Email using CURL.EXE

Please let us know it so we can find a way to use it with hbcurl, many thanks
regards, saludos

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Re: Email with SSL / TLS using FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Fri Jul 01, 2022 3:49 pm

hi Antonio,

Antonio Linares wrote:> i have found Sample using Parameter to send Email using CURL.EXE
Please let us know it so we can find a way to use it with hbcurl, many thanks

have not test it yet
Code: Select all  Expand view
              aadd(acCmd, " -# --insecure  ")

              IF adata [2][6] // use ssl
                 aadd(acCmd, "--ssl-reqd --url smtps://")
                 aadd(acCmd, "--url smtp://")

              // add smtp
              aadd(acCmd, cSmtp+":"+aData[1][2])
              aadd(acCmd," --user "+cFrom+":"+cPassword)
              aadd(acCmd," --mail-from "+cFrom+"|"+cUser )
              aadd(acCmd," --mail-rcpt "+cTo )

              Waitwindow("mail body creation",.T.)
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Re: Email with SSL / TLS using FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Fri Jul 01, 2022 3:50 pm

hmpaquito wrote:hbCURL use in Harbour:

thx for help.

your link show Sample using CURL and sFTP but i want to use it for Email
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Re: Email with SSL / TLS using FiveWin

Postby toninhofwi » Tue Aug 09, 2022 3:31 pm

Hi, try use chilkat activex dll, there are a lot of foxPro samples that can be used with harbour

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Re: Email with SSL / TLS using FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:59 pm


thx for Answer.

i do not like to use "external" 3-PP Tool
i want to "learn" how it work while all is Windows API


have read in German Xbase++ Forum

Header-Eintrag "Message-ID:".
Den setzen wir auf eine UID mit angehängtem Domain-Namen, also so:

Message-ID: <>

but i don´t know "where" to Set Message-ID
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Re: Email with SSL / TLS using FiveWin

Postby elvira » Tue Aug 09, 2022 7:52 pm


Could you please provide a smtp class that works with Gmail and ssl?

Thank you in advance!
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Re: Email with SSL / TLS using FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:18 pm

elvira wrote:Could you please provide a smtp class that works with Gmail and ssl?

as i know FiveWin CLASS TSmtp and CLASS TPop3 do not use SSL.

under HMG i use harbour hbTIP which work
... but i was told to use CURL so i start this Thread.


there are a lot of Sample using CURL to "download" from Website or FTP but i only found this Email Sample
Code: Select all  Expand view
/* Copyright 2014-2017 Viktor Szakats */

#require "hbcurl"
#require "hbtip"

#include ""
#include ""

#define HB_CURLVERINFO_VERSION                1
#define HB_CURLVERINFO_VERSION_NUM            2
#define HB_CURLVERINFO_PROTOCOLS              8  /* Array */
#define HB_CURLSSLSET_OK                      0
#define HB_CURLOPT_MIMEPOST                   250

PROCEDURE Main( cFrom, cPassword, cTo, cHost )

   LOCAL lSystemCA, cCA := hb_PathJoin( iif( hb_DirBase() == "", hb_cwd(), hb_DirBase() ), "cacert.pem" )
   #if defined( __PLATFORM__WINDOWS )
   LOCAL tmp

   LOCAL curl
   LOCAL lAPI_curl := curl_version_info()[ HB_CURLVERINFO_VERSION_NUM ] >= 0x073800

   LOCAL cUser
   LOCAL cText
   LOCAL cSubject

   /* Require STARTTLS on port 587 (true) or allow it to proceed without it (false) */

   IF hb_AScan( curl_version_info()[ HB_CURLVERINFO_PROTOCOLS ], "smtps",,, .T. ) == 0
      ? "Error: Requires libcurl 7.20.0 or newer, built with TLS/SSL and SMTP protocol support"

   hb_default( @cFrom    , "" )
   hb_default( @cPassword, "password" )
   hb_default( @cTo      , "" )
   hb_default( @cHost    , "localhost" )

   cFrom := "<" + ( cUser := hb_curl_mail_address_to_email( cFrom ) ) + ">"
   cTo := "<" + hb_curl_mail_address_to_email( cTo ) + ">"
   cHost := Lower( cHost )

   cSubject := "Example sending a MIME-formatted message"

   cText := ;
      e"This is the inline text message of the email.\r\n" + ;
      e"\r\n" + ;
      e"  It could be a lot of lines that would be displayed in an email\r\n" + ;
      e"viewer that is not able to handle HTML.\r\n"

   cHTML := ;
      e"<html><body>\r\n" + ;
      e"<p>This is the inline <strong>HTML</strong> message of the email.</p>" + ;
      e"<br>\r\n" + ;
      e"<p>It could be a lot of HTML data that would be displayed by " + ;
      e"email viewers able to handle HTML.</p>" + ;

   lSTARTTLS_force := .F.

   /* NOTE: Consult your provider for updated settings
            and create a Pull Request if necessary. */

   CASE cHost == "apple" .OR. "" $ cFrom .OR. "" $ cFrom .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtp://"; lSTARTTLS_force := .T.
   CASE cHost == "fastmail" .OR. "" $ cFrom .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtps://"
   CASE cHost == "" .OR. "" $ cFrom .OR. "" $ cFrom .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtps://"
   CASE cHost == "google" .OR. "" $ cFrom .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtps://"
   CASE cHost == "" .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtps://"
   CASE cHost == "netease" .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtps://"
   CASE cHost == "office365"
      cHost := "smtp://"; lSTARTTLS_force := .T.
   CASE cHost == "outlook" .OR. "" $ cFrom .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtp://"; lSTARTTLS_force := .T.
   CASE cHost == "sina" .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtps://"
   CASE cHost == "uol" .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtps://"
   CASE cHost == "yahoo" .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtps://"
   CASE cHost == "" .OR. "" $ cFrom
      cHost := "smtp://"; lSTARTTLS_force := .T.
      cUser := StrTran( cUser, "" )
   CASE cHost == "localhost"
      cHost := "smtp://localhost:1025"  /* MailHog */
      cUser := cPassword := NIL

   CASE cHost == ""
      cHost := "smtp://"; lSTARTTLS_force := .T.


   ? "libcurl:", curl_version_info()[ HB_CURLVERINFO_VERSION ]
   ? "Payload API:", iif( lAPI_curl, "libcurl native", "tip_MailAssemble()" )
   ? "Host:", cHost, iif( lSTARTTLS_force, "(must STARTTLS)", "" )

   #if defined( __PLATFORM__UNIX )
      lSystemCA := .T.
   #elif defined( __PLATFORM__WINDOWS )
      /* Switch to SChannel SSL backend, if available (on Windows).
         Doing this to use the OS certificate store. */

      curl_global_sslset( -1,, @tmp )
      IF ( lSystemCA := ;
         curl_global_sslset( HB_CURLSSLBACKEND_SCHANNEL ) == HB_CURLSSLSET_OK )
         cCA := NIL
         cCA := hb_DirBase() + hb_DirSepToOS( "../../../bin/" ) + cCA
      lSystemCA := .F.


   IF Empty( curl := curl_easy_init() )
      ? "Failed to init"
      IF ! lSystemCA
         IF hb_vfExists( cCA )
            curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_CAINFO, cCA )
            ? "Error: Trusted Root Certificates missing. Open this URL in your web browser:"
            ? "  " + ""
            ? "and save the file as:"
            ? "  " + cCA
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_USE_SSL, ;
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_UPLOAD )
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_URL, cHost )
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS, ;
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, 15000 )
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_VERBOSE, .T. )
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_USERNAME, cUser )
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_PASSWORD, cPassword )
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM, cFrom )
      curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT, { cTo } )

      IF lAPI_curl
         curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, { ;
            "Date: " + hb_curl_date(), ;
            "To: " + cTo, ;
            "From: hbcurl " + cFrom, ;
            "Cc: " + cTo, ;
            "Message-ID: <>", ;
            "Reply-To: " + cFrom, ;
            "Disposition-Notification-To: " + cFrom, ;
            "X-Priority: " + hb_ntos( 3 ), ;  /* 1: high, 3: standard, 5: low */
            "Subject: " + cSubject } )

         /* NOTE: 'charset' to be added when implemented */
         curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_MIMEPOST, { ;
            { "subparts" => { ;
              { "data" => cHTML, ;
                "type" => "text/html" }, ;
              { "data" => cText } }, ;
              "type" => "multipart/alternative", ;
              "headers" => { "Content-Disposition: inline" } }, ;
            { "filedata" => __FILE__ }, ;
            { "data" => Replicate( hb_BChar( 123 ), 1024 ), ;
              "type" => "image/png", ;
              "encoder" => "base64", ;  /* binary, 8bit, 7bit, base64, quoted-printable */
              "filename" => "mock.png" } } )
         cText := tip_MailAssemble( ;
            "hbtip " + cFrom, ;
            { cTo }, ;
            /* aCC */, ;
            cText, ;
            cSubject, ;
            { __FILE__, { "mock.png", Replicate( hb_BChar( 123 ), 1024 ) } } /* attachments */, ;
            /* nPriority */, ;
            /* lRead */, ;
            /* cReplyTo */, ;
            /* cCharset */, ;
            /* cEncoding */, ;
            .F. /* lBodyHTML */, ;
            /* bSMIME */ )
         curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_UL_BUFF_SETUP, cText )
         curl_easy_setopt( curl, HB_CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE, hb_BLen( cText ) )

      ? "Result:", curl_easy_perform( curl )
      curl_easy_cleanup( curl )


i have "add" my Provider "T-ONLINE and it work
but it fail with my 2nd Provider WEB.DE ( missing Message-ID ? )

p.s. need OpenSSL >= v1.0.2
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Re: Email with SSL / TLS using FiveWin

Postby NWKL » Sat Aug 13, 2022 11:29 am

Hi, can i use to send email with attachment? or have another solution working to send emails with fwh and outlook/office 365 account with attachment?

very thanks
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