When I set title: 'test', the subtitle will have the same value. I would like to be able to configure both.

//part of a function taken from the forum:
cFuncion := cFuncion + " ]);"+;
"var options = { "+;
" title: '"+cTitulo+"',"+;
" hAxis: {title: '" + Alltrim(cHorTitle) + "'},"+;
" vAxis: {prefix:'R$', format: 'R$ #,##0.00', title: '" + Alltrim(cVerTitle) + "'},"+;
" widht: '100%',"+;
" height: 300, "+;
" isStacked: true, "+;
" is3D: " + IIf(lIs3D,"true ","false ")+;
"var chart = new google.visualization."+cTipo+"(document.getElementById('"+cNombre+"'));"+;
"chart.draw(data, options);"+;
"var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({ prefix: 'R$ ', decimalSymbol: ',', groupingSymbol: '.' }); formatter.format(data, 0); formatter.format(data, 1);"+;