Which is the better print report for fivewin ?

Which is the better print report for fivewin ?

Postby Marco Turco » Tue Oct 11, 2005 4:28 pm

I'm thinking to choose a report for my app.
My customers require me:
- a preview of the report (obviusly)
- the ability to export the outpur into XLS, RTF and PDF format
- the ability to send the report via email

I already made this using EasyPreview (for the preview,PDF export and email send) and using a self-made set of functions to generate a RTF and XLS export.

However I would like now to provide a more professional output expecially for the RTF and XLS export.

I took a look on the various topics on the old newsgroup and I saw that many users works with RPV report but it doesn't support the RTF and XLS export.

Do you have any suggest about a Report that could satisfy this features ?

Thanks in advance

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Marco Turco
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Postby R.F. » Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:23 pm

Take a look into Crystal Reports.

It saves you *a lot* of report coding time. and you have over 20 different output formats including, XLS, DOC, HTML, PDF, Mail, DBF, SQL DATABASE, etc.
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Postby Marco Turco » Fri Oct 14, 2005 2:59 pm

Hi Rene,
I find CR interesting but a little heavy,
however Do you have a wrapper and some example to use FWH with CR ?

Is there anyone alse work with R&R Report or List and Label that could share his experience about there other reports ?

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Marco Turco
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