I am not able to disable a button on the fly.
I am able to disable the button while defining the button with When .F.
Code: Select all | Expand
@3,20 BUTTON oBtn2 PROMPT "Close" SIZE 40,12 ACTION { Dlg:End() }
But not possible to disable Button on the fly with the following code
Code: Select all | Expand
@01,01 PROGRESS oProg POSITION 0 SIZE 255, 10
@03,10 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "Reindex" SIZE 40,12 ACTION {oBtn2:bWhen:={ || .F.},SysRefresh(), ;DoIndexing(lAutoIndex,oDlg,oProg,oSay1,oSay2,oSay3) } DEFAULT
@03,20 BUTTON oBtn2 PROMPT "Close" SIZE 40,12 ACTION { oDlg:End() }
Any help ?