I see the function RESetTextColor( ::hWnd, nRGB ) being used to color selected text. I also see :
RESetCharFormat( ::hWnd, ::oFont:cFaceName, ;
::oFont:nHeight * FNT_HEIGHT, nColor, ;
::oFont:nCharSet, ;
::oFont:nPitchFamily, ;
::oFont:nWeight, ;
::oFont:lItalic, ;
::oFont:lUnderline, ;
::oFont:lStrikeOut )
used to set font, size, color, etc... on selected text. They both work just fine to change foreground color of text.
However, I'd like to find a way to change the background color of selected text. Neither of these two seems to do it. Does any body know how can it be done?
thank you,
Reinaldo Crespo-Bazán.