Vtitle-Tools Rel. 5.2a ( Update )

Vtitle-Tools Rel. 5.2a ( Update )

Postby ukoenig » Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:49 am


I finished the new Manual for the VTitle-Tools future Release 5.1
It shows the new new VTitle-Options ( Brush, Vertical Gradient and adjusted images
of the Vtitle-Background as well.
It is a Multimedia-Applications that means,
You can move inside the manual like in the original Application.
The Pages have animated effects like Burn, Curl ...
The Download is splitted because of Size, to make it easier, in case of possible Updates.
Please read the new Message about the Appl.-Install-Structure

Downloads :

VTitle-Tools : ( 3,1 MB ) Update 28.2.

Subdirectory : \IMAGES ( 6.8 MB )
A place to store Your own Images

Subdirectory Template-Set 1 : \SET1 ( 1.7 MB ) Update 28.2.

Subdirectory Template-Set 2 : \SET2 ( 2.7 MB ) Update 28.2.

Subdirectory Template-Set 3 : \SET3 ( 1.4 MB ) Update 28.2.

Subdirectory Template-Set 4 : \SET4 ( 3.1 MB ) Update 28.2.


Manual ( 5.4 MB )

A Page inside the Manual

A Template with VTitle-Brush

A Template with adjusted VTitle-Image

Best regards
Uwe :lol:
Last edited by ukoenig on Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:56 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: New Vtitle-Tools Rel. 5.1 Multimedia-Manual

Postby hag » Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:07 am

Great looking stuff.
Thank you
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Re: New Vtitle-Tools Rel. 5.1 Multimedia-Manual (Downloads)

Postby ukoenig » Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:51 pm

Hello Harvey,

It's nice to hear, that You like it.
I still added some pages and changed the animated Gif's in the Manual.

To create a floating Menu, it's just a work of a few Minutes.
I added one, to write different Prg's.
The User can select, if he works with FWH < 10.2 or higher, because
of the new Image-, Brush or the vertical Gradient use as Vtitle-Background.

The included Menu

Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Last edited by ukoenig on Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
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Re: New Vtitle-Tools Rel. 5.1 Multimedia-Manual (Downloads)

Postby ukoenig » Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:05 am

Using the new FWH 10.2, I added some more new Functions.

A new Browser for Style / Background-Selection.
1. VTitle on Dialog-Background with defined Settings
2. Adjusted VTitle with Border and System-menu on Top of any Control
3. Adjusted VTitle without Border and System-menu.

Now it is possible, to show a VTitle on Top of any Dialog, Folder ....
from Button-Action, to show a Message or Menu.
With Transparent-Setting, it works fine as well, like You can see in the Screenshot.




Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Last edited by ukoenig on Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
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Re: New Vtitle-Tools Rel. 5.1 Multimedia-Manual (Downloads)

Postby ukoenig » Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:10 pm

I added the Download of the new VTitle-Tool-Version 5.1a
I have done a lot of testing, but because of > 100 possible Combinations,
I'm not shure, everything is tested. In case, something is still missing, let me know.
There will be a new Help-file next week, because many new Functions are not included.
You need the 4 Template-Sets from top.
Because the Structure changed ( new Fields ), in case You downloaded them some days ago,
they will be updated at Start.
Please check the path inside the make-file.
As a temporary Solution for my xBrowse-Scrollbar-Problem, I added WS_VSCROLL to the Resources
to make them visible.

Download ( 3,1 MB ) Update 28.2.


You can change / adjust the Values of TOP- and LEFT-Position inside the PRG-Source,
but don't change the Size-Values
( the Border / Frame is calculated, to fit the VTitle-Size )
In cases, You dont like the Size, You must repaint Your Design with the Painter.


Next shows the use of the new < Image adjust >

Normal Image-Background


Adjusted Image-Background with adjusted Text-Positions and -Colors


I added / changed Menu to Minimize / Maximize
Used as Transparent Standalone-Menu on Top of Excel.


Application Structure :

Vtitles ( Main-Application, Help.exe, Freeimage.dll )
\System ( Global Images )
\Set1 ( Templates )
\Set2 ( Templates )
\Set3 ( Templates )
\Set4 ( Templates )
\Images ( Place for Import )

What's New VTitles Release 5.1a :

VTitle-Backgrounds :

Supported new FWH-10.2
Gradient Vertical, Brush, Images optional adjusted.

Quick Template-Selection :

Any of the Previews from Set 1-4, can be defined as a Start-Template
Choose < Save to Ini > of a loaded Template. From Start-Screen choose < load from Ini >
In this case, no Selection from Template-Browser is needed.

Body-FolderPage :

New Browser-Selection : Gradient / Brush, Image- / Brush-Selection
Checkbox : Adjust Image / Brush to VTitle-Size

Create Messages and Menus on any Control and Position
Options : Border or No Border
You can change TOP / LEFT - Position inside the Source.
DON'T CHANGE THE SIZE OF THE TITLE( it is calculated )

Start Help from inside the Tools

New Fields will be detected and added, if necessary

Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
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Re: New Vtitle-Tools Rel. 5.1a (complete Downloads)

Postby ukoenig » Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:29 pm

The next Update will have some nice Extensions.

It is possible now, to Export / Import Templates.
How it works:
1. Select a Set from the Main-menu
2. Select a Project from the Browser.
3. Select Export New or Export-append
-- New will create a new Database and will delete all Images inside the new Subdirectory \Templates
-- Append will Copy the Images from the selected Project and append a new Record to the Export-DBF
-- You can append / select from different Sets.
4. Next You can Import / add from /templates to any selected Set.
-- with this Solution it is possible, to rearrange the Projects of the different Sets
-- You can zip the Template-Directory and send it to a user. He can add it to any Set.
5. You can View the Export Database. As well, You can delete any Project from the Database.
6. In case, You Export a Project from a Set, You will have the Option, to delete the exported Record.


Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
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Re: New Vtitle-Tools Rel. 5.1a (complete Downloads)

Postby jll-fwh » Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:53 pm

Hola ukoenig:

Magnifico trabajo. Fantastico.

Un saludo
Libreria: FWH/FWH1109 + Harbour 5.8.2 + Borland C++ 5.8.2
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Re: New Vtitle-Tools Rel. 5.1a (complete Downloads)

Postby ukoenig » Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:29 pm

A Preview of some new Functions for the next Update.

With this Solution it is possible, to move Projects inside the 4 Template-Sets.
With the included Zip-Function, You can send Project-Files to another User.
The Export-File can added to any of the 4 Sets.

As a Zip-Solution, I used 7-Zip.
It includes a extra Command-Line-Version, is free of charge and
very small in Size : 2 Files ( only 0,8 MB ) and nothing to Install.
To zip the Export-Directory I simple used : WAITRUN ( "7z.exe a Template.zip export\" )
Creates the File Template.zip with all Files from the Sub-Directory \Export.

I still would like to have a new Capture-Solution :
Capture and Resize only the VTitle, to include the BMP's in the Preview-Browser.


Download : www.7-zip.org

A Overview of 7-Zip Commands

7z <command> [<switch>...] <base_archive_name> [<arguments>...]
<arguments> ::= <switch> | <wildcard> | <filename> | <list_file>
<switch>::= <switch_symbol><switch_characters>[<option>]
<switch_symbol> ::= '/' | '-'
<list_file> ::= @{filename}

Expressions in square brackets (between '[' and ']') are optional.
Expressions in curly braces ('{' and '}') mean that instead of that Expression (including braces), the user must substitute some string.

expression1 | expression2 | ... | expressionN
means that any (but only one) from these expressions must be specified.
Commands and switches can be entered in upper or lower case.
Command is the first non-switch argument.
The "base_archive_name" must be the first filename on the command line after the command.
The switches and other filenames can be in any order.
Wildcards or filenames with spaces must be quoted:
"Dir\Program files\*"
Dir\"Program files"\*

Switch options can be combined to save command line length. However, some switch options take optional string arguments and therefore, must be the last option in a combined argument token string because 7-Zip accepts the rest of the argument token as the optional argument.

7-Zip uses wild name matching similar to Windows 95:
'*' means a sequence of arbitrary characters.
'?' means any character.
7-Zip doesn't uses the system wildcard parser. 7-Zip doesn't follow the archaic rule by which *.* means any file. 7-Zip treats *.* as matching the name of any file that has an extension. To process all files, you must use a * wildcard.

*.txt means all files with an extension of ".txt"
?a* means all files with a second character of "a"
*1* means all names that contains character "1"
*.*.* means all names that contain two at least "." characters
The default wildcard "*" will be used if there is no filename/wildcard in the command line.

Slash ('\') at the end of a path means a directory. Without a Slash ('\') at the end of the path, the path can refer either to a file or a directory.

List file
You can supply one or more filenames or wildcards for special list files (files containing lists of files). The filenames in such list file must be separated by new line symbol(s).
For list files, 7-Zip uses UTF-8 encoding by default. You can change encoding using -scs switch.

Multiple list files are supported.
For example, if the file "listfile.txt" contains the following:
My programs\*.cpp
then the command
7z a -tzip archive.zip @listfile.txt
adds to the archive "archive.zip" all "*.cpp" files from directories "My programs" and "Src".

Short and Long File Names
7-Zip supports short file names (like FILENA~1.TXT) in some cases. However, it's strongly recommended to use only the real (long) file names.

Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
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Re: New Vtitle-Tools Rel. 5.1a (complete Downloads)

Postby anserkk » Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:38 am

Dear Mr.Uwe,

Thank you for providing these wonderful tools. Which tool do you use to create the Dialogs and arrows shown on the screen snapshots. It is beautiful and makes the image more meaningful to convey the message.

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Re: New Vtitle-Tools Rel. 5.1a (complete Downloads)

Postby ukoenig » Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:43 am

You can use SNAGIT from : http://www.techsmith.com
( no Freeware )
Snagit it splitted in 2 Sections : Screencapture and Painter.
With the Painter You can add any extra Object to the Screenshot, like the Arrows and Messages.

The picture above contains 2 Screenshots :
1. The Main-Screenshot saved in 3 dimensional-Style ( PNG )
2. the 2. Screenshot saved as 3 dimensional as well. ( PNG )
3. I used Pixelformer, to make the white Background of the Top-Sreenshot ( 2 ) transparent.
4. after that, I saved it to Memory.
5. I loaded Screenshot 1 with Pixelformer and Paste the 2. Screenshot
-- Result : 2 Screenshots on Top of each other.
6. Together they are saved as a new Picture.
7. With the Snagit-Painter, I added the Rest like Messages and Arrows to the Image.

Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
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Re: New Vtitle-Tools Rel. 5.1a (complete Downloads)

Postby anserkk » Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:10 am

Dear Mr.Uwe,

Thank you.

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Re: New Vtitle-Tools Rel. 5.1a (complete Downloads)

Postby ukoenig » Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:05 pm

The new Update 5.2a is ready for Download.
The Link will be added Tomorrow.

Application Structure :

\Vtitles ( Main-Application, Help.exe, Freeimage.dll )
Subdirectorys :
.\System ( Global Images )
.\Set1 ( Templates )
.\Set2 ( Templates )
.\Set3 ( Templates )
.\Set4 ( Templates )
.\Images ( Place for Image-Collection )
.\Export ( collected Projects )

What's New in VTitles Release 5.2a :

New Subdirectory \Export
Now it is possible, to export a Project from any of the Sets 1-4
The Projects will be added with < Export Append >
The Selection < Export New > clears the Directory and start new.
You can add to this Directory Projects from any of the Sets 1-4
With this Solution, You can move a Project from a Set to another one.

New System-Button < Scan for missing Images >
Once, Images are defined inside a Project and deleted for any Reason from
the Set-Directory, You cannot display the original VTitle.
With this Button You can Scan all Projects for missing Images.

In the Preview-Dialog, the Buttons are changed to a Buttonbar
You can save a VTitle with a complete Dialog-Background,
or only the VTitle.
With the new MSpaint-Call, the captured VTitle is loaded :
uses allways : P_000.BMP.
You can save/resize it with a new Name to the SET - Directory
as a xBrowse-Preview-Image.

With the Button < Import > inside the Set-Browser, You can copy
a Image from the Subdirectory \Images ( Your Image-Collection )
to the selected Set-Directory

Shadow-fix of VTitle Base : Just set VTitle-Shadow to 0

Screenshots for Browser Template-Preview, changed from BMP to JPG

New : You can Zip the Export-Directory and any Files You like.
A Textfile < export.txt > is used. You can add more to this File, You want to zip.

These new Projects will be added as Zip-File for a Import-Test to any Set1 - 4

A new Image-Scanner is included.
Now You can ckeck, if images are removed from a SET, but still defined inside a Project.


Working with Export / Import
1. Select the Set for Project-Export
2. Select the 1. Project => Export New
3. Select the 2., 3. ... Project =>Export Append
4. Close the Set-Browser
5. Open a Set for Import


Some new templates will be included.
You can add them from the Export-Directory to any of Your Sets.




Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Last edited by ukoenig on Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
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Re: New Vtitle-Tools Rel. 5.2a ( Update )

Postby ukoenig » Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:41 pm

The new Download-Links => VTTools 5.2a
Please read the Infos one Page before.
Please include the Subdirectoy /Images ( Your Image-Selection )
The Tools are grown to double Size, because of many new Functions.
I did a lot of testing and hope, everything works OK.
My VTitle-Capture-problem is solved as well.
To include all the Informations in the Help-File, I still need some Time.

Download Tools ( 4.4 MB )
( The Subdirectory /Export is included )

Download Sets ( Update changed BMP-Template-Preview in xBrowse to JPG )
Size : 1.7 MB
Size : 3.0 MB
Size : 1.0 MB
Size : 2.9 MB

The new Capture and Preview with MS-Paint
A Screencapture is allways saved as P_000.bmp
I use Project-Names like P_1.jpg, P_2.jpg ..... for the xBrowse-Template-Preview.
Load P_000.bmp with MSPaint ( this File will be loaded at Button-Action )
Resize the Capture and save it as JPG with a new Name.


Add the new Capture-Name to the Project-Record.


You can ZIP, everything You want.
The Tool uses a Textfile ( Listfile ) < Export.txt >
You can add to the Line export\*.* more Files to be zipped, like the Templates.
The Export-Preview, You can activate from inside the Set-Selection.


Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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