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Anyone using QBFC 5.0 ?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:25 pm
by TimStone
I am working on a Quick Books interface using FWH and xHarbour ( all latest versions) I must use the QBFC from Intuit.

I'm able to connect to a QB file, and when I post a request to add a client, the transaction takes place. I supply a name, opening balance amount, and a transaction date, and QB adds the account, enters the name, enters the opening balance, and enters the date. To me, this could not happen if the connection was not valid.

The value returned is supposed to be a "response list" which is a data object. However, when I try to parse the response list, I'm getting a NIL value.

So, the connection is established, the values passed are processed, but the return value appears to my program as NIL. The QB Request Processor should not be returning a NIL value if the actions were able to take place. This leads me to suspect that saving the return value to a LOCAL value may be the problem.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.