From the pulldown menu, please select "New", "Open" and "About"
Please try it from Chrome for now, thanks

Code: Select all | Expand
function About()
oDlg = new Dialog( "About", 400, 300 );
Say( 100, 110, "FiveWin Web Interface", oDlg );
Say( 130, 100, "(c) FiveTech Software 2011", oDlg );
Button( 220, 150, "Ok", oDlg, 100, 40, "oDlg.End()" );
Code: Select all | Expand
function Find()
oDlg = new Dialog( "Find", 500, 200 );
Say( 60, 20, "Find what:", oDlg );
Get( 56, 110, "FiveWin Web Interface ", oDlg, 360, 30 );
Button( 140, 150, "Ok", oDlg, 100, 40, "oDlg.End()" );
Button( 140, 270, "Cancel", oDlg, 100, 40, "oDlg.End()" );
Code: Select all | Expand
function About()
oDlg = new Dialog( "About", 400, 300 );
Image( 70, 30, "images/fivetech.bmp", oDlg );
Say( 90, 170, "FiveWin Web Interface", oDlg );
Say( 120, 160, "(c) FiveTech Software 2011", oDlg );
Button( 220, 150, "Ok", oDlg, 100, 40, "oDlg.End()" );
Code: Select all | Expand
function Open()
oDlg = new Dialog( "Open a local file", 500, 230 );
oBtn = BtnOpen( 70, 20, "*.prg", oDlg, 460, 26 );
Image( 110, 30, "images/openfile.png", oDlg, 80, 80 );
Button( 170, 150, "Ok", oDlg, 100, 40, "MsgInfo( oBtn.value )" );
Button( 170, 270, "Cancel", oDlg, 100, 40, "oDlg.End()" );
Code: Select all | Expand
Button( 170, 150, "Ok", oDlg, 100, 40, "MsgInfo( oBtn.value )" );