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Evaluating Fivewin

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:06 pm
by mbelgrano
Can i find information regarding the Steep neccessary for convert a clipper / xharbour application to Fivewin?
Anyone use GTWVW and Fivewin? (can post sample)
Fivewin have complete support of active/x ocx compoment ?
Can i use an activeX compoment in a form made with @ say Get/read?

Thanks for clarification
Massimo Belgrano

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:57 pm
by Antonio Linares

Can i find information regarding the Steep neccessary for convert a clipper / xharbour application to Fivewin?

You may download a FW intro from here:

> Fivewin have complete support of active/x ocx compoment ?


> Can i use an activeX compoment in a form made with @ say Get/read?

Yes. We provide several working samples ready to be used (webexp.prg, excel.prg, pdf.prg).