ADS Connections - Your experience is appreciated

ADS Connections - Your experience is appreciated

Postby TimStone » Tue Mar 21, 2006 7:26 pm

This is not a trouble report for xHarbour ... but I know many ADS users are here and I would appreciate your input. I have gone direct to ADS on this but may not get a response for awhile.

My application uses AdsSetServerType( 7 ) which will automatically determine if a connection to a Client Server is available, and then connect properly. Everything works fine on a local network.

Now, here is the problem, and I'm hoping some of you with ADS experience will provide guidance. We are trying to bring up a client who has two sites connected via a Dedicated T line. According to them, the remote site computers appear to the server as if they were connected in the main building, and the two cisco routers make the connection essentially transparent. However, when those machines start our Client program, they show a "Local Server" connection, and are not seen by the Advantage Server.

Should we be able to connect in this way ? Any thoughts on how we can get over this hurdle ?

Thanks ... your input is always appreciated.

Tim :?:
Tim Stone
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ADS Remote connect

Postby AlexSchaft » Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:06 am


You might try to do SetServerType(ADS_REMOTE_SERVER), or AdsSetServerType(2), which will only connect to remote servers.

If that fails, the broadcast packets are most probably getting lost. In that case, look at the ads.ini settings like our server over here. and configure your remote server to listen on a specific port in its configuration file.



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Postby reinaldocrespo » Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:22 pm


You know; I like to change the properties to the directory where the data is located to the advantage user and group. In this manner you simply can not connect to the data unless you are in remote mode and using the xharb client software. Think about it, this means that no one can peek at the data nor **delete** a file unless connected. As far a security; what else can you ask for? AMOF, using explorer or dir command the files are not even listed. So, I'd first forget about allowing local connections when there is a remote server available. I control this via a .ini file where I declare the type of connection (XRDD=REMOTE or XRDD=LOCAL). On installations where ADS server is installed, I change the setting to REMOTE.

Now on the problem you are repoerting, let me ask you, is your ADS server hosted on a Linux server running SAMBA?

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Postby R.F. » Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:10 pm


I had the very same problem connecting the ADS via a VPN from two remote sites.

First we went on line using AIS instead of ADS remote, the solution worked fine. Then our customer wanted to install a VPN and here is where the problem started.

What we did (look into ADS knowledge base, under "VPN"), was:

1) Ping the remote server from the cliente computer
2) Created a DD in the host and set properties to the remote user to connect to the remote server VIA INTERNET
3) Set up the ADS.INI file, pointing the LAN_IP ADDRESS to the IP of the server (under the VPN) and set the port for remote access

Then give a try, and let me know.
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An update

Postby TimStone » Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:00 am

I have limited abilities here because the hardware is controlled by a support company and the tech cannot follow the most basic instructions.

In the past I have not needed an ads.ini file. The systems go up, and start working with no problems. I installed them here because Advantage suggested the requests were failing. My guess is because the server is overloaded, under fed ( low memory ), and being accessed by too much support software.

I hate to modify my program for this one installation. I have the AdsSetServerType( 7 ) set so it can detect LOCAL, REMOTE, or Internet. If I put in a


into the ads.ini, will it over ride the setting in the software ?


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