To all,
I need to see if the mouse is within my dialog box. If it's outside, then I need to take actions (end dialog).
Best regards,
// Testing the Mouse events
#include ""
static oWnd, oDlg
function Main()
DEFINE WINDOW oWnd FROM 100, 100 To 500, 800 PIXEL TITLE "Testing the Mouse"
oWnd:bLClicked = { | nRow, nCol, nFlags | IIF( nRow < oDlg:nTop() .or. ;
nRow > oDlg:nBottom() .or. ;
nCol > oDlg:nRight() .or. ;
nCol < oDlg:nLeft(), oDlg:End(), NIL ) }
oWnd:bLButtonUp = { | nRow, nCol, nFl8ags | oWnd:Say( 2, 2, "LButtonUp " ) }
oWnd:bMButtonDown = { | nRow, nCol, nFlags | oWnd:Say( 2, 2, "MButtonDown" ) }
oWnd:bMButtonUp = { | nRow, nCol, nFl8ags | oWnd:Say( 2, 2, "MButtonUp " ) }
oWnd:bRClicked = { | nRow, nCol, nFlags | oWnd:Say( 2, 2, "RButtonDown" ) }
oWnd:bRButtonUp = { | nRow, nCol, nFlags | oWnd:Say( 2, 2, "RButtonUp " ) }
//oWnd:bMMoved = { | nRow, nCol, nFlags | IIF( nRow < oDlg:nTop() .or. ;
//nRow > oDlg:nBottom() .or. ;
//nCol > oDlg:nRight() .or. ;
//nCol < oDlg:nLeft(), oDlg:End(), NIL ) }
oWnd:bLDblClick = { | nRow, nCol, nFlags | MsgInfo( "Left Doble Click" ) }
SET MESSAGE OF oWnd TO "Press any mouse button" CENTERED
ON INIT ShowDlg(oWnd)
return nil
function ShowDlg(oWnd)
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 150, 150 TO 300, 400 OF oWnd PIXEL TITLE "A Dialog Box"
ON PAINT oDlg:Say( 1, 1, "Hello" ) ;
VALID ( MsgInfo( "Valid Clause" ), .t. )
oDlg:bMoved := { || oDlg:CoorsUpdate() } // !!!!
return nil
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