've tried several times, without success
It should be as simple as putting a function in the DATA OnMouseMove
- Code: Select all Expand view
oBrw:OnMouseMove := { | oB , nR, nC, nK | PintaOverLine( oB, nR, nC, nK ) }
... / ...
Return oBrw
function PintaOverLine( oB, nR, nC, nK )
local nOldRowPos := oB:nRowSel
local nOldColPos := oB:nColSel
local nMouseRow := oB:MouseRowPos( nR )
local nMouseCol := oB:MouseColPos( nC )
//if !oB:lPressed .and. !oB:lCaptured
//if nOldRowPos <> nMouseRow .and. nOldColPos <> nMouseCol //No estoy en la misma posicion que la seleccionada
oB:Descripcion:cFooter := Str(nMouseRow ,4 )+" / "+Str( nMouseCol, 4 )+" / "+;
Str( nOldRowPos , 4 )+" / "+Str( nOldColPos, 4 )
return .t.
But I have found that the MouseMove not run this DATA Browse until you go through the Header (any), which should not be to my understanding of normal behavior. I only updated when you go through the header. For that reason I can not find the row in which it is located. SI column updates the number passing through the column header.
If a refresh and position correctly when performing the Browse OVER costase not think much paint the cell / line which the mouse was positioned.
I've left open, like other things, to make sure that when I upgrade to the new version (currently use FWH 12.03) remains the same behavior. If so I'll have to make a class that inherits from xBrowse and modify the MouseMove to check it because I need it too.
Maybe your classmates or, have other ideas that lead out of the error of this appreciation.