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xBrowse ascending order

PostPosted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:44 pm
by Otto
I can’t remember how to fix XBrowse on ascending order when clicking on Header.
Thanks in advance

Re: xBrowse ascending order

PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:10 am
by nageswaragunupudi
When we click on header of an unsorted column, it will be sorted in Ascending Order. If we click again on the header of a sorted column, the order keeps toggling between ascending and descending.

Re: xBrowse ascending order

PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:59 am
by ShumingWang
oCol := obrow1:AddCol()
oCol:bStrData := {||odb1:startdate}
oCol:cHeader := "创建日期"

oCol:cOrder := "A"
oCol:nHeadBmpNo := 1
oCol:bLClickHeader := {|r,c,f,o| ::bas1205( r,c,o) }


method bas1205(nrow,ncol,oCol) class bas12class

local aCols,cOrder,nFor,nLen
local nat,id1
aCols := oCol:oBrw:aCols
cOrder := oCol:cOrder
nAt := oCol:nCreationOrder
nLen := LEN(aCols)

for nFor := 1 to nLen
aCols[ nFor ]:nHeadBmpNo := 0
aCols[ nFor ]:cOrder := ""

do case
case nAt==1
::odb1:cQuery:="select * from custm1 order by custid"+if(corder=="A"," desc","")
case nAt==3
::odb1:cQuery:="select * from custm1 order by custm"+if(corder=="A"," desc","")
case nAt==5
::odb1:cQuery:="select * from custm1 order by sales"+if(corder=="A"," desc","")
case nAt==6
::odb1:cQuery:="select * from custm1 order by addrc"+if(corder=="A"," desc","")
if nat==1.or.nat==3.or.nat==5.or.nat==6
if cOrder == "" .or. cOrder == "D"
oCol:cOrder := "A"
oCol:nHeadBmpNo := 1
oCol:cOrder := "D"
oCol:nHeadBmpNo := 2


Re: xBrowse ascending order

PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 5:51 am
by Otto
Thank you for your help.

Mr. Rao is it possible to switch off toggling.
Thanks in advance

Re: xBrowse ascending order

PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:22 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Mr Otto

We have not provided for disabling toggling.
Do you want to disable toggling globally for the entire project or for selected browses only?

Re: xBrowse ascending order

PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:36 pm
by Rick Lipkin

I believe you can just omit AUTOSORT when you create your browse ... if I recall that disables the header click to sort.

Rick Lipkin

Re: xBrowse ascending order

PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:50 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
Mr Rick

He wants autosort.
What he does not want is descending sort.
I shall help when he explains to me whether he wants to suppress Descending sort globally or for selected browses. i shall think of introducing a switch for that purpose.

Re: xBrowse ascending order

PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:40 am
by Otto
Dear Mr. Rao,
to suppress toggling for a single browser would be fine for me.
Thanks in advance

Re: xBrowse ascending order

PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:09 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Mr Otto

Please introduce new DATA by adding this line in the class declaration section of xbrowse.prg

Code: Select all  Expand view

Desirable position is next to DATA lAutoSort.

In the METHOD SetOrder CLASS TXBrwColumn, insert these three lines of code just after local declaration:
Code: Select all  Expand view
  if ::cOrder == 'A' .and. ! ::oBrw:lSortDescend
      return .f.

For whichever browse, you do not want descend sort, please set
oBrw:lSortDescend := .f.