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PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:01 am
by Otto
New functions:

The program works now for XBrowse, XbrColumn or any other generic object.
Works from combobox or with pasted code.
We can select "WITH OBJECT oBrw" in the combobox or paste with object code of any browse variable.

1) The program identifies if the pasted code belongs to Browse or Column or some other object. (In very few cases, where in doubt the program may alert to indicate the object type)
2) For browse or column all the useful Variables and Methods will be displayed in addition to those contained in the pasted code.
3) We can use for other objects also, but the implementation is limited to the data in the pasted code.
4) Generated code includes only those items where the values are not empty. If a method which does not require parameters ( eg: MakeTotals(), CreateFromCode() ) are to be included, we may enter "nil" in the value column. If the value column is left empty, the method is not included in the generated code.
5) Edit of values will be supported by comboboxes and indication of default values.

FW_DbfToArray() implemented

Best regards,




Re: A U T O CODE for FW

PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 7:38 pm
by cnavarro
It is magnificent