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Border around focused line in browse?

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 2:11 pm
by modicr

How to draw a box - border around
current/focused line in TWBrowse.

Thanks, Roman

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 5:13 pm
by James Bott
You can't.

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 5:24 pm
by Antonio Linares
Roman, James,

Class TWBrowse Method Paint() can be easily modified to paint a dotted line or similar around the focused line.

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 7:47 pm
by James Bott

Well, easy for you probably, but I remember spending quite some time trying to get it working without success. I think part of the problem was that the cells are kind of still 3d from the old days. There are actually two lines around each cell. Maybe one is drawn in the background color. I don't remember exactly, but there were issues.

I'd be happy if someone proved me wrong.


PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 11:04 am
by modicr

I try to draw a box around the line and there are problems when I
move to the next line - the previous one is not redrawn correctly.

IMHO there is a (optimization) bug in static function WBrwLine (which is called from Paint method), because only left (gray) and bottom edge of each cell are redrawn:
Code: Select all  Expand view
               case nLineStyle == LINES_GRAY
                    hPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, CLR_GRAY )
                    hOld = SelectObject( hDC, hPen )
                    MoveTo( hDC, nLeft - 2, nTop - 2 )
                    LineTo( hDC, nLeft - 2, nBottom )
                    LineTo( hDC, nRight , nBottom )
                    SelectObject( hDC, hOld )
                    DeleteObject( hPen )

One solution is to create subclass of TWBrowse, copy WBrwLine and all methods which are calling WBrwLine (DrawLine, DrawSelect, Paint and LButtonDown) and then change WBrwLine to something like that:
Code: Select all  Expand view
               case nLineStyle == LINES_GRAY
                    hPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, CLR_GRAY )
                    hOld = SelectObject( hDC, hPen )
                    MoveTo( hDC, nLeft - 2, nTop - 1 )
                    LineTo( hDC, nLeft - 2, nBottom )
                    LineTo( hDC, nRight , nBottom )
                    MoveTo( hDC, nLeft - 2, nTop - 1 )
                    LineTo( hDC, nRight , nTop - 1 )
                    SelectObject( hDC, hOld )
                    DeleteObject( hPen )

                    hPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, CLR_WHITE )
                    hOld = SelectObject( hDC, hPen )
                    MoveTo( hDC, nLeft - 1, nTop  )
                    LineTo( hDC, nLeft - 1, nBottom )
                    SelectObject( hDC, hOld )
                    DeleteObject( hPen )

The next step is to create function based on wBrwLine that draws frame around selected line, which is to be called after wBrwLine in DrawSelect method:

Code: Select all  Expand view
static function wBrwSimple( hWnd, hDC, nRowPos, aValues, aColSizes,;
                          nColPos, nClrText, nClrPane,;
                          hFont, lTree, aJustify, nPressed, nLineStyle,;
                          nColAct, lFocused, oVScroll, bLogicLen )

   local nTxtHeight, hOldFont
   local nColStart  := -1
   local nWidth     := WndWidth( hWnd ) - If( oVScroll != nil .and. ;
                       Eval( bLogicLen ) > 1,;
                       GetSysMetrics( SM_CYHSCROLL ) + 3, 0 )
   local nRow := nRowPos, nTop, nBottom, nLeft, nRight, n
   local lReleaseDC := .f.
   local nForeColor, nBackColor
   local  hPen, hOld, hBrush

   DEFAULT lTree := .f.

   if Empty( hDC )
      hDC = GetDC( hWnd )
      lReleaseDC = .t.

   hOldFont   = SelectObject( hDC, hFont )
   nTxtHeight = GetTextHeight( hWnd, hDC ) + 1

   nTop    = nTxtHeight * nRow
   nBottom = nTop + nTxtHeight - 1
   for n := nColPos to Len( aValues )
      nLeft   = nColStart + 1
      nRight  = Min( nColStart := ( nLeft + aColSizes[ n ] - 1 ), nWidth )
      if nLeft > nWidth
      if n == Len( aValues )
         nRight = nWidth
            if lFocused
                    hPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, CLR_BLACK )
                    hOld = SelectObject( hDC, hPen )
                    MoveTo( hDC, nLeft-1 , nBottom-1 )
                    LineTo( hDC, nRight, nBottom-1 )
                    MoveTo( hDC, nRight-1, nTop )
                    LineTo( hDC, nLeft-2 , nTop )
                    SelectObject( hDC, hOld )
                    DeleteObject( hPen )
                    hPen = CreatePen( PS_DOT, 1, CLR_BLACK )
                    hOld = SelectObject( hDC, hPen )
                    MoveTo( hDC, nLeft-1 , nBottom )
                    LineTo( hDC, nRight, nBottom )
                    MoveTo( hDC, nRight-1, nTop-1 )
                    LineTo( hDC, nLeft-2 , nTop-1 )
                    SelectObject( hDC, hOld )
                    DeleteObject( hPen )
      if nColPos > nWidth
return NIL   // wBrwSimple

Here is the result: :)

Regards, Roman

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 11:43 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Great, Roman!


PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 3:52 pm
by James Bott
Good work Roman.

One question. Why a static function rather than a method?


PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 9:39 am
by modicr

Because that's the way how wBrwLine is implemented in WBROWSE.PRG and I just copied code from it.

BTW, I created three more "skins": :)



Cheers, Roman

PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 9:58 am
by Antonio Linares

Excellent :)