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Tget Problem

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 9:48 pm
by Randal

I have a problem with latest tget (source dated 5/4/06).

Using the testget2 sample, right clicking the mouse, if you Cut or Copy the contents of field one and then right click and Paste into the same field you can past more information into the field than should fit. The size of the get field increases each time you right click and paste.

Same is true if you Cut/Copy from one field and Paste into another.

Is there a later version of tget.prg?

Randal Ferguson

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 6:29 pm
by Randal
Tget problem continued...

The other problem is if you right click and Copy or Cut and then right click and Paste, if you type in the field you've pasted into the text is deleted as if the text was selected.

Randal Ferguson