FWH 64 drag and drop

FWH 64 drag and drop

Postby rhlawek » Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:13 pm


It appears that somewhere between 16.03 and 16.08 drag and drop functionality has been broken again in 64 bit apps. I know it was working, I think last in 16.03. I found the issue regression testing my own code, but the error is reproducible if you build testdrop.prg as a 64 bit app. Anything dropped on testdrop built as a 64 bit app will hit the following zero files condition and popup the message box. 32 bit seems to work fine, only 64 bit is effected.

46 if( wFiles == 0 )
47 MessageBox( 0, "zero files", "ok", 0 );

Unfortunately I don't have a copy of the 16.03 64 bit files available, but I confirmed this is broken in all builds from 16.04 through 16.08. I do not have a workaround.

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Re: FWH 64 drag and drop

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:29 pm

I just now tested

This is working correctly with 32 bits as well as 64 bits both MSVC and bcc7.

Can you please check testdrop.prg in the samples folder?

G. N. Rao.
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Re: FWH 64 drag and drop

Postby rhlawek » Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:12 am

As stated in my post, I did test with testdrop.prg from the samples folder and reproduced the issue with no difficulty. Using VS 2015. This is also on Windows 10 64 bit, I haven't verified it outside of this environment yet. But, as I stated, this had been working previously without issue since March or so, I thought we were past this.

I attempted to directly compile in dropfile.c, which works fine in 32 bit, but won't compile in 64 bit, complaining about HDROP on line 7 being redefined when doing a unicode build.

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Re: FWH 64 drag and drop

Postby rhlawek » Thu Oct 27, 2016 1:20 am

I figured out what was wrong on my end, but I'm not sure what happened exactly. I do all my development on one machine then I have a separate dedicated machine where I do my production builds. It was the production builds I was testing. I was going to get the error log and attach that to show the call stack but I then noticed the 64 bit error log showed 16.03 as the version, not 16.08 as expected. The 32 bit libs were 16.08. All files had the same October timestamp, and I can't see how the 64 bit libs were older, but they were. Very odd.

In any case, I cleaned up and reinstalled everything on the production build machine and verified the libraries are as expected. A quick test showed drag and drop is working now. Back to regression testing.

Thank you for the attention, sorry for what was ultimately a false alarm.

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