Analysing objects with Xbrowser

Analysing objects with Xbrowser

Postby Marc Venken » Sat Jul 29, 2017 3:34 pm

I noticed when I put a Xbrowser on any object, i get a lot of information I never used !!
There a data items that are very interesting for programming.

Now I can use it anywhere when i Put a line like this :

xbrowser(oMouseCol) // or any other object.

But Is there a function that can be called with a hotkey (ex. F8) that will start xbrowser with all avialable objects generated (oObjects) and select one of them to see all Data ?
It can also act as a reminder witch data exist.

For example : I was looking to show the tooltips only from kolom 6 and up.

I looked into the object with Xbrowser and saw that there was a data : ncreationorder. I used it and it worked.
For most of you this will be logic and commen, but I found it interesting...

Code: Select all  Expand view  RUN

function MyStatusToolTip( oBrwS, r, c, f, oMouseCol, nMouseRow )
   local cData := "", uBm, uVal
   if nMouseRow != oBrwS:nRowSel
      uBm   := oBrwS:BookMark
      Eval( oBrwS:bSkip, nMouseRow - oBrwS:nRowSel )
      uVal  := oMouseCol:Value
      oBrwS:BookMark := uBm
      uVal  := oMouseCol:Value
   if oMouseCol:ncreationorder < 6
      uVal = ""
return uVal
Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.04 with Harbour
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Marc Venken
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