Greetings, I have searched and read in the forum and in the TExplorer class itself, and I can not change the colors of the class, I need to remove the color that comes by default or leave it transparent and change the color of the combs ... I do not see that DATA in the class, I also need to deactivate the COLLAPSE of the panleles ... and probe oExpBar: aPanels [1]: lCollapsed: = .f. / oExpBar: aPanels [1]: lCollapsed: = .t. and still the same ... the most I need is the color change of the tabs (TTaskPanel) and the color background of the ExplorerBar of FWH.
I am also trying to put in the TTaskPanel a CALENDAR object and does not lengthen TTaskPanel so that the CALENDAR is complete ... I will try aPanel [1]: nBodyHeight: = n
I do everything from code within LAYOUT.
I hope some help, suggestion ... greetings ... thanks ...