Dear Listeros.
Thanks to my friend Venesolano Mr. Albeiro Valencia who has helped me to develop a connection application for the class sockets, in the end I work wonders, we have gotten a hand to the class they have done great things. We have managed to communicate the equipment (cars) that I have on the road to a stationary server in 100% without errors and commands to send information from the clients to the server recording in MySQL tables with Dolphin and it works very well.
We have also managed to send commands from server to client and viceverza and I have been astonished to see how fast this thing works the class.
We already assemble a client arrangement that helps us send messages and information requests to one or all clients. We have managed to send strings of more than 100 characters and the TAkilla-client program that is mounted on a table 10 with fivewin that behaves at 100%, we use a timer for every minute to send the string to the server, I commented this because I've seen a lot of comments about this classe and I wanted to share my impressions.
How they see is quite good I am grateful to being Mr. Valencia for his services. If you want to know more about the class could communicate with him and evacuate any question , he is an excellent programmer.
You see how pretty Sockets example
Albeiro Valencia
Oscar Chacon.
Sockets example
Application that uses the data sent by the clients