How to get (return) current Query MySql (FWMARIADB)?

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How to get (return) current Query MySql (FWMARIADB)?

Post by dutch »

I want to revised current query but still keep current query alike.

oCn:Rowset('select * from customer where id=1')

revised query to
::cQuery += ::cQuery+' or id=2'

How can I do it?

Thanks in advance,

FWH 19.01 / xHarbour Simplex 1.2.3 / BCC73 / Pelles C / UEStudio
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Re: How to get (return) current Query MySql (FWMARIADB)?

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

With all previous versions:

Code: Select all | Expand

cSql := "select * from customer ?"

oRs := oCn:RowSet( cSql, { "where id = 1" } )
// Later
oRs:ReQuery( { "where id = 1 or id = 2" } )

Alternatively, if this suits:

Code: Select all | Expand

cSql := "select * from customer where id between ? and ?"

oRs := oCn:RowSet( cSql, { 1, 1 } )
// Later
oRs := oCn:RowSet( cSql, { 1, 2 } )

With FWH 1805 (under release)

Code: Select all | Expand

cSql := "select * from customer where od = 1"
oRs := oCn:RowSet( cSql )
// later
cSql += " or id = 2"
oRs:Requery( cSql )

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: How to get (return) current Query MySql (FWMARIADB)?

Post by dutch »

Dear Mr.Rao,

Thank you, but the query is dynamic. It is not exactly the same in a procedure.
In many scenario, I don't need to requery(). But in some case, I have to revised.
1. I query reservation (booking) with unique number (id) and I copy to new reservation and requery(). I cannot show all lists after copy.
2. I query reservation (booking) with customer name. It will show well after copy and requery(), because it is the same name.

Thanks once again.

FWH 19.01 / xHarbour Simplex 1.2.3 / BCC73 / Pelles C / UEStudio
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Re: How to get (return) current Query MySql (FWMARIADB)?

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

With FWH 1805, you have the maximum possible flexibility.


Code: Select all | Expand

oRs := oCn:RowSet( "select * from customer" )
// later
oRs:Requery( "select * from states" )

What more flexibilty you want?

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: How to get (return) current Query MySql (FWMARIADB)?

Post by dutch »

Dear Mr.Rao,

It's ok for now. I'm waiting for upgrade to 1805.

nageswaragunupudi wrote:With FWH 1805, you have the maximum possible flexibility.


Code: Select all | Expand

oRs := oCn:RowSet( "select * from customer" )
// later
oRs:Requery( "select * from states" )

What more flexibilty you want?

Thank you so much for your kindness help.

FWH 19.01 / xHarbour Simplex 1.2.3 / BCC73 / Pelles C / UEStudio
FWPPC 10.02 / Harbour for PPC (FTDN)
ADS V.9 / MySql / MariaDB
R&R 12 Infinity / Crystal Report XI R2
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