oRs:EditBaseRecord, oRec:Save() problem

oRs:EditBaseRecord, oRec:Save() problem

Postby betoncu » Thu Aug 23, 2018 7:13 am

I have explained the problem step by step as below:

Please, run the mariainv example of Mr. Rao

1. Open items and position the cursor on an item
2. Press the edit button and open the edit dialog
3. Now, when we are waiting here, another user has deleted the record that we are editing.
4. Edit the record. (Modify the name of the item)
5. Press Save button
6. Of course nothing happens.
7. Press the Save button again
8. oRec:Save() modified another record, since the pointer positioned on that record.

How can I overcome this problem. oRec:Save() returns false
but there is no any sql error. What can we do?
Birol Betoncu
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Re: oRs:EditBaseRecord, oRec:Save() problem

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Aug 24, 2018 7:23 am

We are looking into this.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: oRs:EditBaseRecord, oRec:Save() problem

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sat Aug 25, 2018 3:47 pm

Can you please make this modification in \fwh\source\classes\datarow.prg and test?

Please locate the following lines towards the end of method SaveOBJ()
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     if !lSaved
         AEval( ::aData, { |a,i| a[ 2 ] := aSave[ i ] } )

Please comment out this line like this:
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     if !lSaved
//         AEval( ::aData, { |a,i| a[ 2 ] := aSave[ i ] } )

Can you please test after this change and provide your comments?

G. N. Rao.
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Re: oRs:EditBaseRecord, oRec:Save() problem

Postby betoncu » Sun Aug 26, 2018 2:28 pm

Dear Rao,

The problem described in the link below came back
Birol Betoncu
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Re: oRs:EditBaseRecord, oRec:Save() problem

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sun Aug 26, 2018 4:35 pm

Thanks for the feedback.

Now, please change the entire method SaveOBJ() in datarow.prg with this new method.
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   local lSaved      := .t.
   local lNetChanged := .f.
   local aSaveData   := {}

   if ::lReadOnly .or. ! ::Modified()
      return .f.

   if __ObjHasMethod( ::uSource, "ROWPUT" )

      aSaveData   := AClone( ::aData )

      ::RecNo     := ::uSource:RowPut( ::aData, ::RecNo, .f., Self, @lSaved )
      if ValType( lSaved ) != 'L'
         lSaved   := .t.
      if lSaved
         ::aOrg      := AClone( ::aData )
         AEval( ::aData, { |a,i| If( a[ 2 ] == ::aOrg[ i, 2 ], nil, lNetChanged := .t. ) } )
         ::aOrg      := AClone( ::aData )
         if !lNetChanged
            AEval( ::aData, { |a,i| a[ 2 ] := aSaveData[ i, 2 ] } )

return lSaved

Can you please provide your comments after making this change?

G. N. Rao.
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Re: oRs:EditBaseRecord, oRec:Save() problem

Postby betoncu » Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:40 pm

The record pointer goes to the first record and changes all of the fields of oRec with the values of first record and I loose everything that I have typed.
Birol Betoncu
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Re: oRs:EditBaseRecord, oRec:Save() problem

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:46 pm

This is what is happening in my tests:

If the save fails due to some reason like duplicated unique field, the record pointer does not change and edited values are not lost. They are retained.

If the save fails because the record is deleted by another user on the network, then the record pointer is moved to the next record and changes made by the user are lost, as it should be.

Can you explain what is happening in your case, step by step?

G. N. Rao.
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Re: oRs:EditBaseRecord, oRec:Save() problem

Postby betoncu » Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:01 pm

Mr. Rao, since the oRec:Save() returns false the execution waits in the edit dialog.
In this case there is nothing to do in the edit dialog.
Instead of waiting in the edit dialog, may be we have to show an error message that says record has been deleted by another user and go back to browse.
Birol Betoncu
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Re: oRs:EditBaseRecord, oRec:Save() problem

Postby betoncu » Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:20 pm

I have made the following change in the EditItems function.
Instead of using oRec:Save() directly, I have add another function ItemSaved() and Ithink the problem solved.
I have used the original datarow.prg.
Of course some more lines like oRsItems:ReSync(), oBrw:RefreshCurrent() is needed.

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static function EditItems( oRec )
    // ACTION If( oRec:Save(), oDlg:End(), nil )
   ACTION If( ItemSaved(oRec), oDlg:End(), nil )
return nil


static function ItemSaved(oRec)
   local lNotSavedButNoError := .F.
   local lSaved              := .F.

      oCn:Execute( "BEGIN" )
      IF !oRec:Save()
         IF oCn:nError = 0  //There is no Sql error. May be the item deleted by another user ???
            lNotSavedButNoError := .T.
      oCn:Execute( "COMMIT" )
      lSaved := .T.
      oCn:Execute( "ROLLBACK" )

   lSaved := lSaved .OR. lNotSavedButNoError

return lSaved
Birol Betoncu
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