How can I read the position and the size of a dilalog box in my application?
To get the dialog position from screen-top and left and the dialogsize
oRect := oDlg:GetRect()
nTop := oRect:nTop
nLeft := oRect:nLeft
nWidth := oDlg:nWidth
nHeight := oDlg:nHeight
// ----------------
Resizing a dialog You need as well :
nBottom := oRect:nBottom
nRight := oRect:nRight
// restore the dialog to a saved position
oDlg:Move( nTop, nLeft, nRight - nLeft, nBottom - nTop )
Window :
aRect := GetWndRect( oWnd:hWnd )
nTop := aRect[ 1 ]
nLeft := aRect[ 2 ]
nBottom := aRect[ 3 ]
nRight := aRect[ 4 ]
nHeight := aRect[ 3 ] - aRect[ 1 ] + 1
nWidth := aRect[ 4 ] - aRect[ 2 ] + 1