Suggestions for changes to the TRichEdit5 class

Suggestions for changes to the TRichEdit5 class

Postby MaxP » Fri Nov 22, 2019 9:15 am

Hi Antonio,

I suggest these changes to the TRichEdit5 class

1) bug on resize image in InsertBitmap

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METHOD InsertBitmap( hBitmap, nSizeX, nSizeY, lSpecial ) CLASS TRichEdit5

   local oClp
   DEFAULT lSpecial := .F.
   #ifndef _WIN64
      ::InsertPicture5( hBitmap ) */

      ::InsertPicture5( hBitmap, nSizeX, nSizeY )
      if !Empty( hBitMap )
         oClp := TClipBoard():New( CF_BITMAP, ::oWnd )
         oClp:SetBitmap( hBitmap )
         if lSpecial

Return nil

2) to improve typing speed after entering an image

2a) add a new method LostFocus
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CLASS TRichEdit5 FROM TControl


   METHOD LostFocus( hWndGetFocus ) INLINE ::PostMsg( FM_CHANGE ), ::Super:LostFocus( hWndGetFocus )

2b) exclude the FM_CHANGE message in METHOD KeyChar
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METHOD KeyChar( nKey, nFlags ) CLASS TRichEdit5

   if ::lReadOnly .and. ! GetKeyState( VK_ESCAPE )
      return 0

   ::Super:KeyChar( nKey, nFlags )
   ::PostMsg( FM_CHANGE ) */

   if ::lHighlight
      ::PostMsg( FM_HIGHLIGHT )

return nil

2c) exclude the FM_CHANGE message in METHOD KeyDown
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METHOD KeyDown( nKey, nFlags ) CLASS TRichEdit5

   if ( nKey == VK_INSERT  .and. GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT ) .or. ;
        nKey == Asc( "V" ) .and. GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL ) )

      if ! ::lReadOnly
         ::PostMsg( FM_CHANGE )

      return 0

   if ::lReadOnly
      if nKey == VK_BACK .or. nKey == VK_DELETE .or. nKey == VK_RETURN
         return 0

   ::Super:KeyDown( nKey, nFlags )
   ::PostMsg( FM_CHANGE ) */

   if ::lHighlight
      if nKey == VK_DELETE .or. nKey == VK_BACK
         ::PostMsg( FM_HIGHLIGHT )

return nil

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Re: Suggestions for changes to the TRichEdit5 class

Postby cnavarro » Wed Nov 27, 2019 6:24 pm

Thanks Massimo
Included in the next version 19.10
Cristobal Navarro
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