Random -> Error BASE/1004 Message not found

Random -> Error BASE/1004 Message not found

Postby chiaiese » Sun May 03, 2020 10:08 pm

I'm upgrading from old version of fivewin and xharbour 1.0 to latest FW + Harbour 3.2.
After compiling my major app I randomly get "Error BASE/1004 Message not found" on various classes and methods.
The error appears both on fivewin classe and my own classes randomly, here some samples from error.log:

Code: Select all  Expand view
  Error description: Error BASE/1004  Message not found: TCLIPGET:DISPLAY
     [   1] = O  TCLIPGET  TCLIPGET
   Alias: SCADENZ034 WorkArea : 34
   Posizione attuale: C:\R\PROGRAMM\MAGAZZIN\EXE
   PC Host: ROBERTO-W7
   Volume Serial no.: -870599320
   Demo: .F.
   User: MAIN      

         1 - Gestione Magazzino - (Euro) CAPP
       145 - Tabella scadenzario [Rec.12/41] CBROWSE
       146 - Modifica record [ 1 ]   pag.1/1 CEDIT

Stack Calls
   Called from __ERRRT_SBASE(0) ->
   Called from TCLIPGET:ERROR(0) -> ../../../tobject.prg
   Called from (b)HBOBJECT(0) -> ../../../tobject.prg
   Called from TCLIPGET:MSGNOTFOUND(0) -> ../../../tobject.prg
   Called from TCLIPGET:DISPLAY(0) -> ../../../tobject.prg
   Called from TCLIPGET:SETFOCUS(0) -> ../../../tget.prg
   Called from TGET:NEW(676) -> .\source\classes\TGET.PRG
   Called from CEDIT:GETS(1142) -> .\clsEdit.prg
   Called from CEDIT:INIT(573) -> .\clsEdit.prg
   Called from (b)CEDIT_EXECUTE(419) -> .\clsEdit.prg
   Called from TWINDOW:ACTIVATE(1083) -> .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG
   Called from TMDICHILD:ACTIVATE(269) -> .\source\classes\MDICHILD.PRG

Code: Select all  Expand view
  Error description: Error BASE/1004  Message not found: TBRUSH:END
     [   1] = O  TBRUSH  TBRUSH
   Alias:  WorkArea : 6
   Posizione attuale: C:\R\PROGRAMM\MAGAZZIN\EXE
   PC Host: ROBERTO-W7
   Volume Serial no.: -870599320
   Demo: .F.
   User: MAIN      


Stack Calls
   Called from __ERRRT_SBASE(0) ->
   Called from TBRUSH:ERROR(0) -> ../../../tobject.prg
   Called from (b)HBOBJECT(0) -> ../../../tobject.prg
   Called from TBRUSH:MSGNOTFOUND(0) -> ../../../tobject.prg
   Called from TBRUSH:END(0) -> ../../../tobject.prg
   Called from TICON:SETCOLOR(2785) -> .\W_WINDOW.prg
   Called from TICON:NEW(92) -> .\source\classes\ICON.PRG
   Called from TMDIFRAME:NEW(148) -> .\source\classes\MDIFRAME.PRG
   Called from CAPP:START(352) -> .\clsApp.prg
   Called from MAIN(647) -> ..\pro\M.pro

and various others.
How can I fix this?

Roberto Chiaiese
R&C Informatica S.n.c.
Posts: 82
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Location: Roma, Italia

Re: Random -> Error BASE/1004 Message not found

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon May 04, 2020 7:31 am


How large is the app ?

What exact Harbour and FWH versions are you using ?

What C compiler are you using ?

Is it a 32 bits or 64 bits app ?
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Random -> Error BASE/1004 Message not found

Postby chiaiese » Mon May 04, 2020 10:30 am

Hi Antonio,

FWH 20.02
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1904111533)
Embarcadero C++ 7.00 for Win32
it is a 32 bit app 6.5Mb large (the one compiled with xharbour 1.0 that I'm using over the years is 4.0Mb large)
I don't know why so much difference for the 'SAME' application?
Roberto Chiaiese
R&C Informatica S.n.c.
Posts: 82
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Re: Random -> Error BASE/1004 Message not found

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon May 04, 2020 11:16 am


The most recent Harbour is r2002101434

We are going to provide you a url to download it, so you can try with it

Harbour and FWH development makes them to grow in size due to new features, etc. This happens to most of software products (Windows, etc.)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Random -> Error BASE/1004 Message not found

Postby chiaiese » Tue May 05, 2020 10:33 am

Thank you Antonio, I'm waiting for it!

Here's another issue. I noticed that the new TWindow class and most of inherited classes uses a :cVarname variable. Now, what if this variable is another Class Variable?
I try to explain in the following example:

Code: Select all  Expand view

#ifdef HARBOUR32
    ::oWnd := TWindow():New( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, cTitle, nStyle,,,,;
                            oOwner,,, ::nColor1, ::nColor2,,, .t., .t., .t.,;
                            .t., .t.,, "oWnd"+alltrim(str(::nRecNo)),, )    // "::oWnd" => "oWnd[nnn]"
    define window ::oWnd of oOwner ;
                  Title cTitle Style nStyle Color ::nColor1,::nColor2 ;
                  from ::nTop,::nLeft to ::nBottom,::nRight Pixel

I use a class to store informations about windows in a database such as position, dimensions, colors and so on...
as you can see "::oWnd" becames the content of :cVarName and 'if' this is then macro evaluated it can lead to errors due to the fact that 'self' may be not reachable outside of the class itself.
I don't know the internal usage of this variable, so can this cause errors at runtime?

thank you for your reply
Roberto Chiaiese
R&C Informatica S.n.c.
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Re: Random -> Error BASE/1004 Message not found

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue May 05, 2020 4:11 pm


Here you have it:


> I don't know the internal usage of this variable, so can this cause errors at runtime?

You should not have any problems with it
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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