With xbrowse I want send data to excel using :toExcel but only those registers that meet some condition
and not all data that is displayed in the xbrowse
is it posible?, could you give me an example, please
Thank you
aRecNo := {}
( oBrw:cAlias )->( DBEVAL( { || AAdd( aRecNo, RECNO() ) }, { || your condtion } ) )
XBROWSER "STATES.DBF" SETUP ( oBrw:bRClicked := { |r,c,f,o| ;
o:aselected := { 2,3,4 }, o:ToExcel(), o:aselected := {} } )
nageswaragunupudi wrote:
To see how the second method works, first test this small sample
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
XBROWSER "STATES.DBF" SETUP ( oBrw:bRClicked := { |r,c,f,o| ;
o:aselected := { 2,3,4 }, o:ToExcel(), o:aselected := {} } )
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