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Listbox to xBrowse

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:15 pm
by Otto
Hello friends,
if I want to switch from LISTBOX to XBROWSE how do I convert

@ x, y ;
SELECT waren->belegNr FOR hBelegNr TO hBelegNr ;
SIZE ( nWidth - 100 ) /2.05 , (nHeight - 250 ) /2.05 ;
OF oDlg

Best regards,

Re: Listbox to xBrowse

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:03 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
SELECT waren->belegNr FOR hBelegNr TO hBelegNr ;

This is not supported.
Either we need to set scope or filter ourselves.

Re: Listbox to xBrowse

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:43 pm
by Otto
Dear Mr. Rao,
Thank you for your answer. No problem for me. I only thought if it exists, I use it.
I set myself a filter.
Best regards,

Re: Listbox to xBrowse

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:59 pm
by Otto
Dear Mr. Rao,
I start with modernizing some modules that are still from the WINDOWS ME - 20th anniversary - era.

So I have to switch to xBrowse and I also change some dialogs.

Best regards,

Re: Listbox to xBrowse

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 9:46 am
by Otto
I think you can tremendously simplify the source code of your programs.
Comments can be inserted in the HARBOURINO files, and the reading flow in the actual program is not disturbed.

I want to show how easy it is to rearrange the switch.
You swap the lines and don't have to worry about anything.
I think even in preparation for the change of the own programs to mod Harbour this can bring something.
Maybe we find a way to exchange the HARBOURINO files.


Re: Listbox to xBrowse

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 5:50 pm
by Otto
The conversion is done so far.
I still have to coordinate the colors. I might do a setup


And the before the screenshot


Re: Listbox to xBrowse

PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 10:06 pm
by James Bott

Wow, your xbrowse looks so much better than listbox. I switched from listbox as soon as xbrowse came out. The main reason was that listbox didn't support larger type sizes since the height of the lines couldn't be changed. Plus xbrowse is so much more powerful.

I like your color scheme. Users are now also wanting the "dark theme" that is becoming popular and even Microsoft's Windows email and File Explorer support it. However, this is going to require quite a few changes to the xbrowse code. I did some work on this awhile back but it was becoming a full-time project so I had to shelf it.


Re: Listbox to xBrowse

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:40 am
by Otto
Hello James,
it is a question I ask myself every day:
How much more work should you put into DESKTOP development?

I am convinced that the future/present lies in web development.

For my company, I decided to do new things with mod harbour.
It's easy for us to switch because we've used RDP before.

Maybe I am wrong. But I think that in-house web servers are the future.
I remember well the time when the data centers came up.
The accounting and programs were then outsourced to the data centers. But then came the personal computer, and the companies wanted their data back in the house.

And I think that if the operation of a web server becomes more comfortable, there will also be a rethink here.
Having your own in-house web server offers so many options.
I think it must also be easy to operate them yourself.
Yesterday I received the UNIFI DREAM MACHINE.
It's an amazing part (IDS / IPS throughput 3.5 Gbit / s).

The price is € 320, excluding VAT.
A fiber-optic connection and the DREAM MACHINE, and you have everything.
Best regards,

Re: Listbox to xBrowse

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 9:08 am
by Otto

here is the network layout we use. There is a port forwarding (http + https ) to the server where we run mod harbour
and we have VPN (RDP) for FIVEWIN programs, too.

We run a WINDOWS SERVER BACKUP and an additional backup to a SYNOLOGY station.
All PC, notebooks, etc. backup in auto mode to the SYNOLOGY.
SYNOLOGY gives you backup options you want belief.
There is another SYNOLOGY physically separated in another house to which the inhouse SYNOLOGY saves.

Best regards,


