xBrowse, xBrowser enhansement - Rao

xBrowse, xBrowser enhansement - Rao

Postby Rick Lipkin » Fri Mar 26, 2021 2:56 pm


I know I have asked Santa for this once before ... I use xBrowse() so many times as a debug tool and many times I have filters involved or Sql where .. and I never know how many records the query fetched .. be it Ado or DbfCdx.

I would be VERY grateful if you could add some code perhaps like this to be able to show how many records were in the recordset of filtered .dbf

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   oLbxC:lFooter     := .t.
   oCol2             := oLbxC:aCols[ 1 ]
   oCol2:bFooter     := { || Ltrim( Str( oLbxC:KeyNo() ) ) + " / " + LTrim( Str( oLbxC:KeyCount() ) ) }
   oLbxC:bChange     := { || oCol2:RefreshFooter() }


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Re: xBrowse, xBrowser enhansement - Rao

Postby Marc Venken » Fri Mar 26, 2021 3:31 pm

xbrowser(aGroepen) FASTEDIT AUTOSORT SHOW RECID Title "Downloadlijst voor de groepen"


:lEditMode := .T.
:lFooter := .t.
:bRecSelHeader := { || "" }
:bRecSelData := { |o| o:KeyNo }
:bRecSelFooter := { |o| o:nLen }
:oRecSelFont := oFont3 // optional
:nRecSelWidth := "99999" // required size
:lHScroll := .F.
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Re: xBrowse, xBrowser enhansement - Rao

Postby Rick Lipkin » Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:06 pm


Thanks for your reply ... I am not creating an xBrowse ( listbox ) ... I am using the function xBrowse() like this ..

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   cSql := "Select [InvoiceDate],[Invno],[Accno],[Parent1],[ServRend],[TotalBilled],[TotalPaid],[TotalBalDue] From Invoice "
   cSql += "Where [Accno] = '"+cAccno+"' Order by [InvoiceDate]"

   oRsInvoice := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Recordset" )
   oRsInvoice:CursorType     := 1        // opendkeyset
   oRsInvoice:CursorLocation := 3        // local cache
   oRsInvoice:LockType       := 3        // lockoportunistic

      oRsInvoice:Open( cSQL,xCONNECT )
   CATCH oErr
      MsgInfo( "Error in Opening INVOICE table" )

   xbrowse( oRsInvoice )   // <---  here


xBrowse() is part of the Fivwin library and is a quick way to view records either Ado ( sql ) or dbfcdx ... It would be nice to add the number of records within the fetch at the bottom of the listbox.

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Re: xBrowse, xBrowser enhansement - Rao

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:45 pm

Use "SHOW SLNUM" or "SHOW RECID" clauses with XBROWSER command.

XBROWSER has already similar and a lot more capabilties. Please get acquainted with all the capabilities by studying the command translate and also the function in xbrowser.prg.

Using SHOW SLNUM clause.
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function TestXBrowser()

   local oCn, oRs

   FWNumFormat( "A", .T. )

   oCn   := FW_OpenAdoConnection( "xbrtest.mdb" )
   oRs   := FW_OpenRecordSet( oCn, "select * from customer order by first" )

      SHOW SLNUM  // or RECID


return nil


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