Xbrowse generating dialogs !

Xbrowse generating dialogs !

Postby Marc Venken » Thu Nov 18, 2021 11:54 am

I would like to use Xbrowse with dbf (not array) to generate simple dialogs. I used Workshop, Pelles, ... but always there is something.... not ok.

Xbrowse is FW, so always compatible

It is not the intension to create or ask a full option designer, but just a starting sample that can be enhanced when wanted.
It is also not used for other people then myself, so errorchecking enz... is not needed. I will enter the correct data :)

Here is a example of simple dialog used on a previous post by Otto

For starter, the Get, Say, combo, radio and button would be great.

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include "FiveWin.ch"

function Main()
    local oDlg, oIco, cTest := "Hello world!   "
    local oBrush  
    DEFINE BRUSH oBrush FILENAME "../bitmaps/Backgrnd/linie.bmp"
    DEFINE ICON oIco FILE "..\icons\fivewin.ico"
    TITLE "I am a DialogBox" ;
    SIZE 500, 500 ;
    ICON oIco
    @ 10,10 ;
    SAY oSay ;
    PROMPT "Five Win" ;
    PIXEL ;
    SIZE 50, 16
    oSay:SetBrush( oBrush )
    @ 2, 3 GET cTest
    @ 4, 5 BUTTON "&Ok" SIZE 40, 12 ;
    ACTION MsgInfo( "Any action here!" ) DEFAULT
    @ 4, 16 BUTTON "&Cancel" SIZE 40, 12 ACTION oDlg:End()
return nil
Marc Venken
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Marc Venken
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Re: Xbrowse generating dialogs !

Postby Otto » Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:05 pm

mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
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Re: Xbrowse generating dialogs !

Postby Marc Venken » Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:12 pm


Yes I did !

But i'm not changing or looking into something else then plain FW. I have no need for a any new ways of using my personel programs, since there is no business in software at my point.
But it looks promissing for those who need it ))

Marc Venken
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Marc Venken
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Re: Xbrowse generating dialogs !

Postby Otto » Thu Nov 18, 2021 6:53 pm

Hello Mark,

I understand you.
But I think you should check it out.
For example, if you just want to do DIALOGs, it's as easy as with the Resource Workshop.
Here is the call that you incorporate into your FIVEWIN program.

Code: Select all  Expand view
function runIndxprg(nkdnr)
    local cText := ""
    cText += "cd\" + CRLF
    cText += "
cd C:\Windows\System32" + CRLF
    cText += "
REM window-position=y col,x row" + CRLF  
    cText += "
start chrome --new-window --app=http://localhost/formular/index.prg?recnr=" + ALLTRIM(STR( nkdnr )) + " --window-position=600,300  --window-size=950,630" + CRLF
    memowrit("c:\xwinhotel\formular.bat", cText )
        waitrun( "c:\xwinhotel\formular.bat", 0 )

return nil

With the xWHTools you can automatically generate the web form and the program which saves the data.

As I know, you have installed APACHE. If you want, I can show you how to quickly create DIALOOGs and the program to save the data.

Best regards,
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
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