

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:49 am

Is it possible to color the dialogs and tabs of the folder class (not tfoldex) ?
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: tfolder

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:10 am

Dear Silvio,

It is not easy as it is a standard Windows control
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: tfolder

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Tue Feb 07, 2023 12:56 pm

Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: tfolder

Postby karinha » Tue Feb 07, 2023 4:57 pm

Code: Select all  Expand view

// original:
// viewtopic.php?f=3&t=18167&p=111528&hilit=aGradSel&sid=76f47b766de9c18f4bf4beffea25c135#p111528

#Include ""

STATIC hDC, oWndMain, oFont1
STATIC c_path


   LOCAL oBar, aColors1, aColors2, aColors3, oAlpha
   LOCAL oBtn1, oBtn2, oBtn3, oBtn4
   LOCAL oTmp, oBrush1, oBrush2, oBrush3, oBrush4
   LOCAL aRect3 := GetSysmetrics( 1 ) // Screen-Height
   LOCAL aRect4 := GetSysmetrics( 0 ) // Screen-Width

   // c_path := CURDRIVE() + ":\" + GETCURDIR()  // five antiguo
   c_path := GETCURDIR()
   oFont1 := TFont():New( "Arial", 0, - 14, .F., .T., 0, 0, 0, .T., .F. )

   // ? c_path

   SetBalloon( .T. )

   // ---- MDI - FRAME -----------

   DEFINE IMAGE oTmp FILENAME "..\bitmaps\Back.bmp"

   DEFINE BRUSH oBrush1 FILE "..\bitmaps\sea.bmp" RESIZE

   DEFINE WINDOW oWndMain FROM 0, 0 TO aRect3, aRect4 ;
      TITLE "Window - and Dialog-test" BRUSH oBrush1 PIXEL

   oWndMain:SetFont( oFont1 )

   DEFINE BITMAP oAlpha FILENAME "..\bitmaps\Logo.bmp"

   SET MESSAGE OF oWndMain TO FWVERSION + "  TechData Software " ;
      CENTERED 2007

      ON INIT MDI_DIALOG()            ;
      ON PAINT ABPaint( hDC, 30, 380, oAlpha:hBitmap, 255 )  // Horiz / Vertical


// --------- DIALOG ----------

   LOCAL oWndDlg, oFld, hDC, oBtn1, oTmp, oBrush3, nTabPos
   LOCAL oSay1, oSay2, oRadio1, oRadio2, oCheck1, oCheck2
   LOCAL nRadio1 := 1, nRadio2 := 1, lCheck1 := .T., lCheck2 := .T.
   LOCAL aGradSel, aGradUnSel, aGradOverUnSel, aGradOver, aGradDis
   LOCAL aS, aUS, aOU, aO, aD

   DEFINE IMAGE oTmp FILENAME "..\bitmaps\Back1.jpg"

   DEFINE BRUSH oBrush3 FILE "..\bitmaps\sea.bmp" RESIZE

   DEFINE DIALOG oWndDlg FROM 100, 180 TO 580, 880 OF oWndMain PIXEL ;
      TRANSPARENT TITLE "Dialog-Test" BRUSH oBrush3

   oWndDlg:lHelpIcon := .F.

   // error
   //oBrush3 := TBrush():new( ,,,, ResizeBmp( oTmp:hBitmap, 700, 480, .T. ) )
   //oWndDlg:Setbrush( oBrush3 )

   @ 65, 20 SAY oSay1 PROMPT "Transparent Say" OF oWndDlg SIZE 80, 20 ;

   oSay1:SetColor( 65535, )
   oSay1:lTransparent := .T.

   @ 85, 15 RADIO oRadio1 VAR nRadio1 OF oWndDlg PIXEL ;
      ITEMS "Option &1", "Option &2" _3D SIZE 70, 16 COLOR 65535 ;
      HELPID 100, 101 ON CHANGE MsgBeep()

   oRadio1:SetFont( oFont1 )

   AEval( oRadio1:aItems, {| oRad | oRad:lTransparent := .T. } )

   @ 130, 20 CHECKBOX oCheck1 VAR lCheck1  COLOR 65535 PIXEL ;
      PROMPT "&Checkbox" OF oWndDlg SIZE 70, 15 ;
      ON CHANGE oCheck1:SetText( "New Text" )

   oCheck1:lTransparent := .T.
   oCheck1:SetFont( oFont1 )

   @ 68, 130 FOLDEREX oFld OF oWndDlg PIXEL SIZE 200, 120 ;
      PROMPT "T&est", "&Tabs", "&Bmp", "Br&ush" ;
      BITMAPS "..\bitmaps\16Edit.bmp", ;
              "..\bitmaps\16Edit.bmp", ;
              "..\bitmaps\16Edit.bmp", ;
              "..\bitmaps\16Edit.bmp"  ;
      ROUND 5 ;
      ON CHANGE ( nTabPos := 1 )

   oFld:lTransparent := .T.
   oFld:nFolderHeight := 25
   oFld:nSeparator := 5
   oFld:bClrText := {| o, n | 65535 }
   oFld:oFont := oFont1

   // aGradSel, aGradUnSel, aGradOverUnSel, aGradOver, aGradDis
   aS := { { 1, 128, 16777215 } }
   aUS := { { 1, 8388608, 16777215 } }
   aOU := { { 1, 32768, 16777215 } }
   aO := { { 1, 0, 16777215 } }
   aD := { { 1, 12566463, 16777215 } }

   // .or.
   aGradSel       := { { 0.5, nRGB( 150, 215, 0 ), nRGB( 100, 173, 0 ) },;
                       { 0.75,  nRGB( 150, 255, 255 ), nRGB( 150, 255, 255 ) } }

   aGradUnSel     := { { 0.5, nRGB( 255, 255, 255 ), nRGB( 240, 240, 240 ) },;
                       { 0.5,  nRGB( 240, 240, 240 ), nRGB( 200, 200, 200 ) } }

   aGradOverUnSel := { { 0.25, nRGB( 100, 149, 237 ), nRGB( 100, 149, 237 ) },;
                       { 0.75,  nRGB( 255, 255, 255 ), nRGB( 200, 200, 200 ) } }

   aGradOver      := { { 0.5,  nRGB( 200, 200, 200), nRGB( 240, 240, 240 ) },;
                       { 0.5, nRGB( 240, 240, 240 ), nRGB( 255, 255, 255  ) }  }

   aGradDis       := { { 1, nRGB( 211, 211, 211 ), nRGB( 190, 190, 190) } }

   aS  := aGradSel
   aUS := aGradUnSel
   aOU := aGradOverUnSel
   aO  := aGradOver
   aD  := aGradDis

   oFld:SetDefColors( aS, aUS, aOU, aO, aD )
   oFld:bClrTabs := {| o, n | oFld:SetFldColors( o, n ) }

   @ 15, 20 SAY oSay2 PROMPT "Transparent Say" OF oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ] ;
      SIZE 80, 20 FONT oFont1 PIXEL UPDATE

   oSay2:SetColor( 65535, )
   oSay2:lTransparent := .T.

   @ 35, 15 RADIO oRadio2 VAR nRadio2 OF oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ] PIXEL ;
      ITEMS "Option &1", "Option &2" _3D SIZE 70, 16 COLOR 65535 ;
      HELPID 100, 101 ;
      ON CHANGE MsgBeep()

   oRadio1:SetFont( oFont1 )
   AEval( oRadio1:aItems, {| oRad | oRad:lTransparent := .T. } )

   @ 80, 20 CHECKBOX oCheck1 VAR lCheck1  COLOR 65535 PIXEL ;
      PROMPT "&Checkbox" OF oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ] SIZE 70, 15 ;
      ON CHANGE oCheck1:SetText( "New Text" )

   oCheck1:lTransparent := .T.
   oCheck1:SetFont( oFont1 )

   @ 200, 250 BTNBMP oBtn1 OF oWndDlg ;
      SIZE 75, 35  PROMPT "Exit" 2007 ;
      FONT oFont1 ;
      TOP         ;
      NOBORDER    ;
      FILENAME "..\bitmaps\Exit.bmp" ;
      ACTION oWndMain:End()

   oBtn1:SetColor( 128, )
   oBtn1:cTooltip :=  { "Close" + CRLF + ;
      "MDI-test", "Exit", 1, CLR_BLACK, 14089979 }

      ON  INIT ( SHOW_BAR( oWndDlg ), oFld:SetOption( 2 ) ) ;
      ON PAINT F_BACKGRD( 3, oFld, hDC, 0.50, 14853684, 16312263, .T., "..\Back1.bmp", "..\Back1.jpg" )




   LOCAL oBar, oBarButt1, oBarButt2, oBarButt3

   DEFINE BUTTONBAR oBar SIZE 100, 50 _3D OF oWndDlg 2007

   DEFINE BUTTON oBarButt1 OF oBar FILE "..\bitmaps\Exit.bmp" LEFT NOBORDER ;
      PROMPT " &Exit " TOOLTIP "Preview" FONT oFont1 ;
      ACTION  MsgAlert( "Bartest", "Attention" )

   oBarButt1:SetSize( 100, 50, .T. )

   DEFINE BUTTON oBarButt2 OF oBar FILE "..\bitmaps\Preview.bmp" LEFT NOBORDER ;
      PROMPT " &Preview " TOOLTIP "Exit BarPainter" FONT oFont1 ;
      ACTION MsgAlert( "Bartest", "Attention" )

   oBarButt2:SetSize( 120, 50, .T. )



   LOCAL hDC1, aColors, hBmp, hBmpOld

   aColors := { { 0.50, 14853684, 16312263 }, { 0.50, 16312263, 14853684 } }

   hDC1 = CreateCompatibleDC( oWndDlg:GetDC() )
   hBmp = CreateCompatibleBitMap( oWndDlg:hDC, oWndDlg:nWidth(), oWndDlg:nHeight() - 25 )

   hBmpOld = SelectObject( hDC1, hBmp )

   GradientFill( hDC1, 0, 0, oWndDlg:nHeight(), oWndDlg:nWidth(), aColors, .T. )

   DeleteObject( oWndDlg:oBrush:hBrush )

   oWndDlg:oBrush:hBitmap = hBmp
   oWndDlg:oBrush:hBrush = CreatePatternBrush( hBmp )

   SelectObject( hDC1, hBmpOld )




FUNCTION PaintTab( o, nOption )

   LOCAL hBrush, hBmp, nLastRow

   IF nOption == o:nOver .OR. nOption == o:nOption
      o:SetAlphaLevel( nOption, 255 )
      o:SetAlphaLevel( nOption, 50 )

   IF nOption == o:nOption .AND. nOption == 3
      hBmp = ReadBitmap( 0, "..\bitmaps\Marble.bmp" )
      hBrush = CreatePatternBrush( hBmp )
      DeleteObject( hBmp )
      IF o:nLayOut == 2
         nLastRow = o:aPos[ o:aLines[ o:aOrder[ 1 ] ][ 1 ] ][ 1 ] + o:nFolderHeight
         SetBrushOrgEx( o:hDC, nLastRow + 2, 1 )
         SetBrushOrgEx( o:hDC, 2, 2 )
      RETURN hBrush

RETURN o:SetFldColors( o, nOption )
// --------  Folder - Background ---------------
FUNCTION F_BACKGRD( nStyle, oFld, hDC, nMove, nColor1, nColor2, lDirect, cBrush, cImage )

   LOCAL n, oDlg, oBrush2, oBrush3, oImage2, hDC1
   LOCAL aColors := { { nMOVE, nCOLOR1, nCOLOR2 }, ;
                      { nMOVE, nCOLOR2, nCOLOR1 } }
   LOCAL aRect := GetClientRect( oFld:hWnd )
   LOCAL hBmp, hBmpOld

   FOR n := 1 TO Len( oFld:aDialogs )

      oDlg := oFld:aDialogs[ n ]

      hDC1 = CreateCompatibleDC( oDlg:GetDC() )

      hBmp = CreateCompatibleBitMap( oDlg:hDC, oDlg:nWidth, oDlg:nHeight )
      hBmpOld = SelectObject( hDC1, hBmp )

      DEFINE BRUSH oBrush2 FILENAME "..\bitmaps\" + cBrush

      FillRect( hDC1, aRect, oBrush2:hBrush )

      DeleteObject( oDlg:oBrush:hBrush )

      oDlg:oBrush:hBitmap = hBmp
      oDlg:oBrush:hBrush = CreatePatternBrush( hBmp )

      SelectObject( hDC1, hBmpOld )




// fin / end

Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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