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Save csv file in utf8 with BOM

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 7:32 pm
by Giovany Vecchi
The characters are in the utf8 standard, but when I import it into a third-party system, it says that the file is not utf8.

Does anyone have a solution?

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Method N_SignoCepLayout_BuildAll(f_cFileCvsSalva)
   Local lc_cFileCvsConteudo := ""


   lc_cFileCvsConteudo     := ::cCabecalhoCampos + CRLF
   lc_cFileCvsConteudo     += ::cTxtOcorrenciasAll


Return Nil

Re: Save csv file in utf8 with BOM

PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2023 4:54 am
by cnavarro
What characters do you add in the header?
Please, try
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   lc_cFileCvsConteudo     := ::cCabecalhoCampos //+ CRLF
   lc_cFileCvsConteudo     += hb_StrToUTF8(::cTxtOcorrenciasAll)



Re: Save csv file in utf8 with BOM

PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2023 11:23 am
by Giovany Vecchi
Hello Cristobar. I already solved it by applying the header to utf8 BOM

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Method N_SignoCepLayout_BuildAll(f_cFileCvsSalva)
   Local lc_cFileCvsConteudo := ""
   Local lc_cUtf8Header := ""


   lc_cFileCvsConteudo     := ::cCabecalhoCampos + CRLF
   lc_cFileCvsConteudo     += ::cTxtOcorrenciasAll

   lc_cUtf8Header := chr(239)+chr(187)+chr(191) //Header utf8 with BOM


Return Nil