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Slow EXE Launch.

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2024 6:55 pm
by byron.hopp
I have managed to get it to where it takes 30 seconds to launch my FiveWin / Harbour exe after compile and link. Is it possible I have a bad link / mak file, I'm getting older so it seems like time should be getting faster, or is this typical. Thanks,

Re: Slow EXE Launch.

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2024 7:18 pm
by karinha
VIRUS? Tested on another computer? Use AVG Antivirus. Harbour is much slower than [x]Harbour, but not by much.

¿VIRUS? ¿Probado en otra computadora? Utilice el antivirus AVG. Harbour es mucho más lento que [x]Harbour, pero no mucho.

Regards, saludos.

Re: Slow EXE Launch.

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2024 7:27 pm
by byron.hopp
Can't believe I couldn't put that together. I purchased a new system i9 and all of the Windows Firewall, Virus were on. I have shut them down and it is lightning fast. What is strange is that compiling with xHB (Patrick Mast) it was still fast, only on Harbour was it slow. I will have to play around with settings to find the right balance. Great answer, thanks.

Re: Slow EXE Launch.

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2024 7:39 pm
by Rick Lipkin

I use an .EXE shrinker called Aspack .. typically the size of the .exe is at least 30-50 percent smaller .. the smaller the .exe the quicker the program loads .. another benefit of the "shrinker" is that the .exe can not be read with a hex editor that may reveal some of your code ...

Here is the link to review Aspack

Re: Slow EXE Launch.

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2024 8:01 pm
by Carles

put an exception in the antivirus for your folder where your exe is compiled


Re: Slow EXE Launch.

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2024 2:03 am
by Antonio Linares
Windows Defender (built-in antivirus)

1. Open Windows Defender Security Center.
2. Click on "Virus & threat protection" from the left menu.
3. Click on "Virus & threat protection settings".
4. Under "Exclusions", click on "Add or remove exclusions".
5. Click on "Add an exclusion" and select "Folder".
6. Browse to the folder where your executable is compiled and select it.
7. Click "Add" to add the exception.

Re: Slow EXE Launch.

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2024 10:02 am
by karinha
Antonio Linares wrote:
Windows Defender (built-in antivirus)

1. Open Windows Defender Security Center.
2. Click on "Virus & threat protection" from the left menu.
3. Click on "Virus & threat protection settings".
4. Under "Exclusions", click on "Add or remove exclusions".
5. Click on "Add an exclusion" and select "Folder".
6. Browse to the folder where your executable is compiled and select it.
7. Click "Add" to add the exception.


Code: Select all  Expand view

 BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
  BLOCK "040904E4"
   VALUE "Comments",    "Sistema Desenvolvido Pela Empresa TAL - \0"
   VALUE "CompanyName",   "Sistema Desenvolvido Pela Empresa TAL - \0"
   VALUE "FileDescription", "NOME DO SISTEMA\0"
   VALUE "FileVersion",   "1.0000\0"
   VALUE "InternalName",  "Projeto TAL\0"
   VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Sygecom Informática Ltda\0"
   VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "NOME SISTEMA / SYGECOM\0"
   VALUE "OriginalFilename", "NOME_EXE.EXE\0"
   VALUE "ProductName",   "NOME DO SISTEMA\0"
   VALUE "ProductVersion", "1.0000\0"
 BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
  VALUE "Translation", 0x416, 0x4B0

Regards, saludos.

Re: Slow EXE Launch.

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2024 4:23 pm
by Giovany Vecchi
byron.hopp wrote:I have managed to get it to where it takes 30 seconds to launch my FiveWin / Harbour exe after compile and link. Is it possible I have a bad link / mak file, I'm getting older so it seems like time should be getting faster, or is this typical. Thanks,

Hello I had a similar problem a while ago.
I noticed that fivewin creates a log file with the name of the executable with information about unloaded resources. After a few days this file was huge and when loading the program I noticed that this file was loading and was taking a long time because of its size. I deleted the LOG file and the program opened normally.

Re: Slow EXE Launch.

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2024 5:31 pm
by karinha
Hago siempre asi:

Code: Select all  Expand view


   IF FILE( "NAME_EXE.log" )
      DELETEFILE( "NAME_EXE.log" )


Regards, saludos.