How get message from dbx (Outlook Express)

How get message from dbx (Outlook Express)

Postby Romeo » Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:57 pm

Hi, i need to know all the folders and messages in the outlook express or microsoft outlook or more in general in the default mail of pc.

I found the following exampe for microsoft outlook and in tried to implement it.

oOL := TOleAuto():New( "Outlook.Application" )
lOutlookOK := .T.
IF ! lOutlookOK
RETURN ( 0 )

oNameSpace = oOL:Get( "GetNameSpace", "MAPI" )
oContacts = oNameSpace:Get( "GetDefaultFolder", "6" ) // 6 = Inbox-Folder

FOR nContador = 1 TO oContacts:ITEMS:Count()
oNewContact = oContacts:ITEMS( nContador )
cSenderName := oNewContact:get( "SenderName" )
cSubject := oNewContact:get( "Subject" )

cBody := oNewContact:get( "Body" )
NEXT nContador

of course i dont know how to complete it.
I need for example to have all the folders of default mail (express/outlook/other) and the message and all the other information from an email/msg

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Postby James Bott » Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:46 pm


Outlook Express is not OLE capable.

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Postby Romeo » Wed May 02, 2007 4:09 pm

Could be possible to have a sample (for microsoft outlook) to get all the folders of mail and all the message.

I tried to have a look in the file VBAOUTL*.CHM, but i am not able to get the right informations.

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Postby WINHOTEL » Thu May 03, 2007 3:54 pm

This is a VBA Macro where I inserted some code to get all Emails from a folder.

Sub SaveEmail()
Dim itm As Outlook.MailItem

Set olItms = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items

On Error Resume Next
For Each itm In olItms
MsgBox (itm.SenderEmailAddress)
Next itm

End Sub
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Postby Romeo » Thu May 03, 2007 4:01 pm

tks, in VBA it seems very simple.
But i use fwh, i tried
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Postby WINHOTEL » Thu May 03, 2007 6:05 pm

What for do you need this?
In my case I save the emails with a macro and than use a FW program with a timer which looks up the folder where the emails are saved.

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Postby Romeo » Fri May 04, 2007 4:02 pm

It seems a god idea.
Of course i need VB...
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