xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

Re: xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

Postby Rick Lipkin » Wed Sep 04, 2013 1:40 pm


Thank you for your diligence .. This has been a good exercise for me in understanding how to mine cell co-ordinants from xBrowse.

Your examples have given me that insight. This code right here was the key piece of understanding for me.
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return { || IfNil( aColor[ oBrw:nArrayAt, oCol:nArrayCol ], { CLR_BLACK, CLR_WHITE } ) }

As for the colors, I was thinking along your same lines .. I was thinking of just filling the aColor array with a character value like "B" for a blue string, "G" for Green and so on.

Thank you .. I will let you know how this project turns out.

Rick Lipkin
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Rick Lipkin
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