Error system not working ?

Re: Error system not working ?

Postby rhlawek » Wed Oct 16, 2013 10:36 pm

I grabbed a copy of adir.prg out of the samples folder to test with. I get an error log when linking errsysw_.prg, showing this failing on line 556, which is a call to FWBitMap()

Called from FWBITMAP(0)
Called from ERRORDIALOG(556) in c:\fwh\source\function\errsysw_.prg
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(306) in c:\fwh\source\function\errsysw_.prg
Called from MAIN(12) in adir.prg

I also get an error for a redundant function declaration.

FiveHC.lib(MEM.obj) : error LNK2005: _HB_FUN_NEXTMEM already defined in errsysw_.obj

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Re: Error system not working ?

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:59 am

TimStone wrote:The default Errorsys is working.

Errsysw_ is not. This is the nicer one because it allows a customer to take an action and email the error log to support immediately ( a huge service ).


If this is the facility required, this can be done by setting bUserAction codeblock.

We can set this action by calling the function
Code: Select all  Expand view
SetPostErrorAction( bAction ) // --> bPrevAction

When this codeblock is set, this is evaluated with parameters cErrorLogFile and oErrorObject, after the error dialog is closed.

Our function can be
Code: Select all  Expand view
function MyPostErrorAction( cLogFile, oError )
  < do whatever I want .. email .. or store in a separate place, etc>
return nil

This allows greater flexibility to the programmer.
We can set this by calling SetPostErrorAction( bAction ) somewhere in the beginning of the project.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Error system not working ?

Postby Roger Seiler » Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:10 pm

I've had a similar problem to Tim's with 8/2013 versions of both FWH and I'm using Errsysw.prg slightly modified to display some instructions to the user, etc. In my case on Win 7, if the error is that a file can't be opened, then I get a Windows error message and no activation of errsysw. But it seems other errors will activate errsysw normally. I haven't yet tried inserting func nExtMem() ; ret 0 but will do that and test.

Incidentally, quite a while ago I added a few lines of code to my version of errsysw in order to retain prior error log info up to a limit of 55K. This is very useful when looking for a pattern in related errors. I highly recommend this modification:

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   // If an Error.log already exists, add it to bottom of cErrorLog.
   // I added this to retain prior error messages up to limit of 55k
   // so that useful prior error info won't be overwritten.
   IF FILE("Error.log")
      cText := MEMOREAD("Error.log")
      // Put in a couple lines of asterisks to separate new error from old...
      cText := CRLF+CRLF+REPLICATE("*",50)+ ;
      cErrorLog += cText
      IF LEN(cErrorLog) > 55000
         cErrorLog := SUBSTR(cErrorLog,1,55000)

   // Generates a file with an Error Log  ( this is already in Errsysw.prg ...)

      oOldError = ErrorBlock( { || DoBreak() } )
      MemoWrit( "Error.log", cErrorLog )
   ErrorBlock( oOldError )

- Roger
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Re: Error system not working ?

Postby Roger Seiler » Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:45 pm

Just to clarify the error where Windows intervened to shut down the app instead of letting Errsysw do its work, in my case the error was caused by my misspelling a file name so the file couldn't be found (old DOS error 2 I think). It wasn't a syntax error of some sort - those still seem to generate standard Errsysw errors here. But I'll do some more testing here and report back.
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