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Re: 2155 error hb_cdxindexCheckVersion fivewin/harbour

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:41 am
by lorenzoazz
Carlos Mora wrote:Hi lorenzoazz,

as CNavarro explained, if the OS is allowed to turn off network cards when going into suspend or energy saving mode, all files open are being closed, so there is NO WAY to recover from such situation. You SHOULD AVOID that, not allowing the card to be turned off by the operating system, as Cristobal Navarro explained. My operating system is in spanish, so i cannot show you an screenshot but look into network card properties, and DON'T ALLOW it to go off during energy saving.

In Antonio's post there is a line that shows you when the error arises, the system isn't able to read from the file, so the issue if far beyond your code, there is nothing to do from the Harbour's side, it seems to be a configuration problem.

Better yet, don't allow the computer go into suspend!

A way to prevent suspension would be a possible solution
or better, to be able to intercept a suspension "message"

Re: 2155 error hb_cdxindexCheckVersion fivewin/harbour

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:44 pm
by lorenzoazz
Ok Antonio,

Close the area ( USE)
then reload with index ( without reindexing)

at the moment is the only work around!

Anyway this will be a problem not only for my singular case, almost with windows 8.1.

Thamks a lot! Antonio